What controller do you use that has actual analog control?

Looking to get a new one (love the gametel but it’s for 16 bit games).

It must be one that attaches to your phone/ipod since that’s what I have. It can either attach on the bottom or sides I don’t care. I just wanna know what you use. And the analogs must actually work like analog sticks and not simply emulate analog with 8 directional digital. Must be icade or JCP or bluetooth or whatever they call it (I don’t have 7.x so I don’t have whatever IOS 7 controllers use)

I know there are a couple out there. Just looking for comfort and functionality.

I just got the iPega 9025. It works mostly well

I just use a PS3 remote, and connect it to the unit with a coat hangar. It’s not really difficult.

If you have a bench vice, a hammer, wire cutters and a pair of bull nose pliers, you can easily bend yourself a clip with a 4.5-5mm thick steel coat hangar. A thin wire one which you can bend with your fingers would work, too.