What happened to the RetroArch Windows Store port?

I have been waiting for this and it never happened:


Also I heard that emulators can’t be published on the Windows Store anymore, so sideloading would be necessay!

Yeah, the store is pretty much out of the question now but Twinaphex said he’s still interested in making the port so Xbone owners can sideload. I don’t know of any concrete movement or plans in that direction, though, so I wouldn’t expect it any time soon.

Still nice to hear though! :smile: Does it mean that it would be Xbone only?

No, I think it would be for anything that can sideload and run it, thought I don’t know how useful it would be to Win10 users, though. Are there other devices/platforms that would be able to use it?

HoloLens support could be cool! :yum:

EDIT: Also Windows Store apps can be easily updated which is a big advantage!

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We need a Direct3D 11/12 driver first. Which is a a separate bounty right now.

Also, that Microsoft disallows emulator-related programs now on the Windows Store takes a lot of the wind out of its sails and kinda demotivates us from continuing.

Seems that what remains is to sideload it on an Xbox One with a developer account (which costs a small amount of money), and same with Windows Phone/Mobile.

On the backburner, but still going to happen probably once we have a Direct3D 11/12 driver.

By the way, this is how it could run: https://nesbox.com/emulator

We already have a web version of RetroArch, but it’s based on Emscripten. it runs best on Chrome, I don’t think it will run wel on Edge.

Anyway, a web version of RetroArch comes at a pretty big performance cost, and the Xbone is already a fairly weak PC as-is, best not to add to the slowness.

Last time I checked, the web version of RetroArch doesn’t even startup on Microsoft Edge!