What is the difference between trurip, redump, and non trurip isos?

this could really help

Barely anything at the end of the day.

well from my experience iv noticed a significant difference in the quality from goodset roms to nointro roms. does any of this apply, because i assume the terms are kind of the same but with different names since we are dealing with isos.


Isn’t that scene supposed to archive anything? Like good dumps, overdumps, prototypes, translations, modded versions, etc?

Of course, if you want just the good roms you go for No-Intro but i prefer Goodsets because it also icludes the no-intro good roms (the ones with the [!] mark) along with everything else while being smaller to download/backup because they also merge different regions instead of having them separated.

The only bad thing is that they don’t get updated regularly.

Well this has been incredibly educational in a short amount of posts lol.

I have some TOSEC stuff and it boggles my mind how many ‘bad dumps’ they archive.

yes, what i meant was i prefer no-intro roms over good sets, the quality is obvious. sorry i worded that incorrectly. Im just trying to figure out the iso terms.

I would consider Redump similar to No-Intro. I would consider TOSEC/Trurip similar to GoodSets

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All I know is that I got rid of Goodsets a while ago, and now, I use the following:

PSX: ReDump (Just because they have the only almost complete collection of 1:1 rips currently) Saturn: TruRip, for the same reason. 32x/Mega CD: TruRip same again.

Most everything else 16/32 bit TOSEC is still the best

All of this is only my opinion though, and I might have outdated info on a few of them.

Hope this helps anyone here.