Where To Get Android Dev Build For 1.1?

So I looked at lordashram’s posts


I found this post: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=993&p=16987#p16987

He mentions a test build for 2014-09-04, but I couldn’t find the download link? I see a lot of posts referring to new builds being posted, but where is the download link?

First post of that thread has a link to his dropbox account where he puts his builds.

Check first post:

If not use this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/91sakv0qdyxj … lyXea?dl=0

Thanks. I didn’t realize it was the same link for every single dev release.

Why not put them on this site or link to them in github?

They’re not official/supported. There’s a buildbot in the works that will spit out nightlies for several platforms and those builds will be promoted and linked on the site.