Where to place BIOS for Reicast Dreamcast Emulator in Linux.

Hi there,

I have read that the BIOS/Firmware for Reicast goes in the ‘dc’ folder in the RetroArch system directory. I have no idea where this directory is. What is the default installation path from installation via Ubuntu Software?

Thanks, Andrew.

The default is to not have a system directory, IIRC, and it just looks for BIOS images alongside the content you’re trying to launch. This doesn’t scale well, though, so most people make a directory somewhere (needs to be user-writeable for Dreamcast) and then go to settings > directory and find the ‘system’ directory setting and point it at that new directory.

For Dreamcast, you’ll make a subdirectory in side of it named ‘dc’ and put your stuff in there.

I have made a subdirectory called ‘dc’ and it didn’t work. It also doesn’t recognise the BIOS in my Dreamcast ROM’s folder - that’s alongside the content.

For your final option, I can’t see a ‘settings’ tab in RetroArch Hunter. Where is it?


Should answer most of your questions. You should compare the md5sum of the files you are using and the ones in the docs. Also, they need to be named appropriately.

To make sure we’re clear, the files should be placed in
