Can someone please tell me why mupen64 is vulkan? Is there any way to change it to gl? It lags too much on my pc and it crashes on my android device because it doesn’t support vulkan. I really need help pls reply asap
is stuck at vulkan**
It shouldn’t default to vulkan. If you’re referring to the title having ‘vulkan’ in it, I’m pretty sure that’s just a name. That is, if you go to settings > driver, it should still say “gl”
Well I did it like this i changed first the driver to gl before opening the core and then saved it as aconfig file. Then I opened the core and a content and changed it to gl again I saved it as core override and quited RA I reopened it launched the core (it still said vulkan in the name) and launched the content and it crashed again
Yeah, it sounds like you have an issue, for sure, but I think the vulkan thing is a red herring. Can you get a debug log and post the contents on then post a link to it here?
Sorry for asking… Which program do i need to use? Because i’m on my android device right now
You can do it from RetroArch. Go to settings > logging and set both logging verbosities to 0/debug and set ‘log to file’ to ON. Then, do whatever you need to do to reproduce the behavior. After you quit retroarch, the log should be in your ‘logs’ directory.
Ok thanks so much brb
eyy, nice that it’s loading now. The Mali400 GPU in your device is pretty slow, so you may need to drop down to a lighter plugin, like Rice or Glide64 instead of the default GLideN64, which is fairly demanding.
Are those plugins in the quick menu?
If no then please send me the link to download or smthn.
Yes, in the quick menu > options. It’s the ‘gfx plugin’, which is probably set to “auto” by default IIRC.
From what i see here there’s no gfx plugin option There are just rdp and rsp plugin options and nothing else
RDP == gfx. they’re the same thing.
Oh ok i’m really sorry
So there are 3 options for rdp angrylion, prarallel rdp and gliden64 (which you said i shouldn’t use) rice and glide64 don’t exist
Hmm, rice and glide64 are in the most recent builds, I think, so I guess either your core is old or the newer code isn’t being built currently.
So, if you’ve already tried updating the core from the online updater and those plugins still aren’t there, your other option is to use the ParaLLEl-N64 core instead, which definitely has them.
Ok i will try to update them
So my cores are now up to date i have tried to open mupen and it crashed again And when I try to load Parallel it says that it failed to load libretro core