Win 64 , swanstation / duckstation broken

can any one confirm this? i tried old duckstation and newest swanstation, normally ,core name appear when load the core without content in bottom left , but not this core

I haven’t heard anyone else report it failing to load the core, but that sure sounds like what’s happening here. Can you generate and post a log of it? That may tell us more about what’s going wrong.

[INFO] === Build ======================================= [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel® Celeron® CPU N2920 @ 1.86GHz [INFO] Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE4 SSE4.2 [INFO] Built: Mar 17 2023 [INFO] Version: 1.15.0 [INFO] Git: 1581ece [INFO] ================================================= [ERROR] Failed to open libretro core: “C:\Emu\RetroArch\cores\swanstation_libretro.dll” [ERROR] Error(s): unknown error 126 [INFO] === Build ======================================= [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel® Celeron® CPU N2920 @ 1.86GHz [INFO] Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE4 SSE4.2 [INFO] Built: Mar 17 2023 [INFO] Version: 1.15.0 [INFO] Git: 1581ece [INFO] ================================================= [ERROR] Failed to open libretro core: “C:\Emu\RetroArch\cores\swanstation_libretro.dll” Error(s): unknown error 126 [ERROR] Failed to open libretro core: “C:\Emu\RetroArch\cores\swanstation_libretro.dll” [ERROR] Error(s): unknown error 126

Looks like the same issue as here, which that person said was fixed by installing the MSVC++ runtime.

my win 8.1 broken long time ago , can not re install msvc , dot net … thks btw

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How is something like this possible? I’m genuinely curious.