Sinistrahd posted a support question on Github. I referred him here.
Hello ilag111111, I am trying to figure out getting the genesis PAR codes to function in Genesis_Plus_GX and have been having issues with non-functionality, I have tried, to take a single example, Sorceror’s Kingdom, in several different versions from the 3.00 Goodmerge. I have not been able to get a code to work on that game in either the retroarch clover implementation on nes classic or PC Retroarch updated to the latest version and core. I was wondering if you had any tips to get the codes working, as I know they do work for some users. Also, I found this on the forums ( Genesis Game Genie Cheats ) and was wondering if anything there looks promising to you. Just a disclaimer, I have virtually no coding background beyond assembler, and I ended up getting a degree other than EE because of the programming requirements 
I think I figured out your problem. The included cheats file for this game is malformed. Unfortunately I have no control over those, and my recommendation is to not bother using any of the included cheats files and looking the game up on and other reliable external sources.
There is an easy solution for this problem: just rewrite the cheats replacing the “+” with a “:” between the two code parts. For Infinite Money, FF0490+FFFF becomes FF0490:FFFF. For Max Health, FF04A8+270F+FF04B6+270F becomes FF04A8:270F+FF04B6:270F. For the Slot Modifier cheats, replace the ?? with a pair of hexadecimal numbers. has a list of what these values are on this game’s page, which I’m reposting here.
01 - Alt Knife
02 - Sword
03 - Broad Sword
04 - Death Sword
05 - Omega Sword
06 - Bow
07 - Fire Bow
08 - Metal Bow
09 - Bomb
0A - Power Bomb
0B - Hyper Bomb
0C - ATM Bow
0D - Red Key
0E - Blue Key
0F - Green Key
10 - Wood Key
11 - Hp Up
12 - Water ST
13 - Fire ST
14 - Shadow ST
15 - Wood ST
16 - HP Heal
17 - Booster
18 - SP Heal
19 - Special
1A - DYT Call
1B - EFR Call
1C - SHD Call
1D - BOW Call
1E - Cheese (Hp + 1/4)
1F - Fish (Hp + 1/2)
20 - Meat (Hp + 3/4)
21 - Roast (Hp + Max)
22 - Orange (Sp + 1/4)
23 - Apple (Sp + 1/2)
24 - Pappya (SP + 3/4)
25 - Grapes (Sp + Max)
26 - Small Mushroom (Hp Sp + 1/4)
27 - Lettuce (Hp Sp + 1/2)
28 - Onion (Hp Sp + 3/4)
29 - Big Mushroom (Hp Sp + Max)
2A - Elixir
Hopefully this should answer all of your questions, but if not, please post here and I’ll get back to you shortly.
In response to Dan, I’m still without any Saturn games, so I can’t add cheats to Mednafen Saturn just yet. When I do get a hold of some, I’ll be sure to do so.