I confirm I finally got it working and I have tested it on multiple android devices such as Minix Neo X7, Galaxy S4 and Xperia Tablet Z, happy to report both 1st and 2nd player of the X-Arcade Dual are working very well! =D Mayflash makes it possible with its multiple emulation mode such as Gamepad and Keyboard, a hybrid of both modes = 2 player support!
How to:
Buy an X-Arcade Dual
Buy these additional adapters; you’ll need 2 Mayflash adapters, one for each player and only 1 PS2 adapter, see links below for more info: http://www.xgaming.com/support/question … OS+Support & http://www.mayflash.com/Products/iPhoneiPad/AD001.html
Download and install latest retroarch version available on play store, I’m using
Hook it all up
Here’s the secret; a) Set player 1 Mayflash to Keyboard mode (keyboard can only be bound to player 1 atm, this restriction doesn’t apply to Gamepad mode
b) Set player 2 Mayflash to Gamepad mode (player 2 can be Gamepad mode on Mayflash and it can be bound as player 2 within retroarch)
Disable Retroarch Controller auto setup, and proceed with custom bind player 1 & player 2 manually
If you set up both Mayflash controllers as same emulation mode they compete and conflict with same commands but if you set one controller to keyboard emulation and the other to game pad emulation, your set! And again, keyboard emulation only works on player 1 for the time being so player 1 must be keyboard emulation!