X-less Vulkan context / Nvidia : almost works!

Hi !

I finally managed to start Retroarch (KDE Neon / Ubuntu 16.04) using the Vulkan driver (I just had NOT to use the testing ppa…).

WIthout the X server, it used to segfault, and now, it DOES work. I just had to switch the input driver to evdev.

HOWEVER here are 2 issues when using Retroarch with Vulkan without X

  • When I just start “retroarch” with no option, I get the XMB menu which is perfectly displayed. Then when starting a game I get an error on the console (failed to create Vulkan context)

  • But if I directly specify the game on the command line, it does work. I can even display the Retroarch menu. However, if I start to start a new game again I get the same error (failed to create Vulkan context).

So I guess the problem is it kinda try to create several contexts and/or restore the former one. (if it makes any sense at all)

Also, for some reason, I didn’t manage to get the sound when I start Retroarch from the console. I tried ALSA and PULSE, I tried to kill pulse and also of course X, I tried to specify all the possible devices combinations (hw:x,y) according to aplay -l…

Really, I’m almost there, that’s pretty cool ! Please tell me if I should file a bug report !

log file : https://framabin.org/?50e0dbaa3bdfbbed#MZ7IUTYQnow9HaMjd3h5EtzP38DVLfYGWDGoz14kpt0=

Edit : but maybe input lag is already supposed to be kinda optimal when using Vulkan over X ? In this case I’d be wasting everyone’s time; sorry :wink:

Edit 2 : it might have something remotely related to this other issue I have : since I switched to Vulkan, even under X, RA frequently exits when trying to start a MAME game (not FBA or any other, MAME only). On the terminal I get an error about an unavailable resource. It seems random. Sometimes it works again for no reason, sometimes after killiing some other processes. But sometimes I have this issue even after a fresh start. Sometimes I find there are some zombie retroarch processes, sometimes not.

This is a good basis for an issue report on github. It probably won’t get fixed any time very soon, but at least the info will be there for anyone who cares to take it on.

ok, I guess that’s pretty new and few people use it, but that’s very promising, thanks :slight_smile:

Bug filed here : https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/5414

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