Xbox Game Bar - How to completelelly disable it?

Does anyone have any tricks to permanently remove the Xbox Gamebar from Windows 11?

After an OS update, this damn bar insists on appearing when I press the central Xbox button on my gamepad (or equivalent controller).

I have already disabled this button via Config/Xbox Game Bar, but the system ignores my preferences.

I use the xbox button to open the Retroarch menus. I know I can put this function into a key combination, but I’ve never needed to do that before. Retroarch F1 menu always worked via the Xbox button.

I’ve tried all the solutions proposed by Microsoft, but none of them worked.

I even removed the feature via powershell commandlet, but now I have a popup telling me that I don’t have an associated application. This popup appears when I open any browser or when I open Retroarch.

Is there anything I haven’t tried?

Please help me, this is really bothering me.

I heard about this issue. Apparently it’s from Windows update KB5034204. You can uninstall that update, or wait for a new update that fixes the issue.

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Have you disabled the following?:

Settings > Gaming > Game Bar > “Allow your controller to open Game Bar”

I have not had issues and I have this disabled.

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Yes, this is the first solution that the community suggests, in fact. And this tip, SO also ignores.

Try Windows Key + G. Is it disabled there too? It’s in Settings > Shortcuts

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