Xbox One analog sticks not working

EDIT: Problem fixed itself. I remapped everything again, again, and it still didn’t work. Restarted the whole business and suddenly, it was working again.

I don’t think I’m alone with these strange bugs, though, but then again, I’m not sure what could be done to prevent them in the first place.

Not sure what to do with a ‘solved’ “problem”, so I’m doing this.

I recently updated (my own mistake, I know, I know) to RetroArch 1.6.7 and the analog controls for my Xbox One controller no longer function properly.

I can get them to register as working, when I use ‘analog to digital’ just to check, it will work with either left or right, and the rumble function even works properly regardless, but when I try to use the analog sticks as, analog sticks, such as in ‘Gran Turismo II’ or ‘Ape Escape’, nothing happens. The in-game settings, when available, don’t even register as being a dual shock analog controller.

Yes, I have switched ‘Analog to digital’ off and I do have ‘User device type’’ set to ‘RetroPad w Analog’, and I’ve even tried futzing around with different dead zone settings just for the sheer blind fluff of it, but nothing.

Everything else with the system is running fine/the same and I’ve changed nothing else; no settings, no config files (never had to before, either), nothing.

I’m running on Windows 8.1 and have been since I started using RetroArch. I’ve checked out other topics with people having similar problems but nothing they’ve done applies to/has worked for me.

not exactly the answer you were wanting, but PCSX-ReARMed is really only worth using on ARM devices (hence the name). You’d probably be better served using Beetle-PSX.

Back to your question, I believe you need to set the ‘pad type’ to ‘analog’ in the core options menu, which is the menu labeled ‘options’ in the ‘quick menu’ that comes up when you open the menu while content is running.

More info on that core is available here:

Thanks for the response but I’ve done that already, as well, and still no dice.

Yeah, I’ve read that the ReARMed causes problems/won’t work on other systems, but for whatever reason, it’s the most stable core for most of the games I run.

I also removed the ReARMed specification in the title, as the problem persists no matter which core I try.