ZX Spectrum - Switching between 48K and 128K Games

I’m using the Fuse core in Retroarch to play my 48K, 128K & +3 roms. Is it possible to setup Retroarch to automatically play each game without having to switch model and restarting Fuse each time?


Yes, very much possible. That’s what the .opt (options) files are for.

Just launch the game and then go the core’s option (quick menu -> core’s options) then set the system version you’d like to use for that game then go to ‘Manage Core Options’ then ‘Save Game Options’.

You should now have a .opt file created in RA’s config folder for that core corresponding to that game (ex: “Lunar Jetman (1983)(Ultimate Play The Game).opt”. So you only need to do this once per game and it will store in that file what machine/model you’re using for that specific game. If you don’t have a game specific opt file, the settings will default to the core’s opt (fuse.opt in this case).


Perfect. So I don’t even have to restart RetroArch for that particular system to work? Just close the game and restart another one? I’ve saved joypad layouts for different games but didn’t realise that was possible.


Perfect. So I don’t even have to restart RetroArch for that particular system to work? Just close the game and restart another one?

Correct. Or just load a new game/content, either through a playlist or via the recent history playlist.

If you wanted -and yes, this is probably overkill for 99.9% of users out there, but in theory you could even have two different playlists; one named, say, “Sinclair - ZX Spectrum - 48K” and the other “Sinclair - ZX Spectrum - 128K” and in each one you’d had the same game but configured to play in a different machine at start without you having to go in the core’s options and having to change it there every time.

You would need two copies of the same file but with different names: ex: “Lunar Jetman (1983)(Ultimate Play The Game)(48K).tap” and another copy of the same file “Lunar Jetman (1983)(Ultimate Play The Game)(128K).tap”.

Then you’d just have to repeat the steps I previously described, once for both files.

Tl;dr opt files will be automatically loaded at start as long as they have the same exact name as the content.


Arguably, you could use FBNeo, it supports 2200+ ZX Spectrum games (not including clones) and will select the correct model for each of them.

I would be looking at a single playlist now.

I was doing this previously. 3 playlists for 48K, 128 & +3 and then play games within a group, then change the system, restart RetroArch and try another group.


I might give this another try then. Does FBNeo support a virtual keyboard like FUSE, as I am running RetroArch within Lakka with only a joypad?


FBNeo doesn’t have an internal virtual keyboard if that’s what you are talking about. I heard retroarch does have a feature like that but i never understood how it works.