Fairchild ChannelF core

I don’t know how much interest there is in this, but I’ve put a ChannelF core up on github.

It would be nice if it could be moved to libretro at some point, though I’m not sure what this would involve. @markwkidd handled all of that for FreeIntv, so I’m a bit in the dark.

Anyhow, it looks to be “complete”. All of the games work, as far as I can tell, and there are no obvious bugs.

Like the keypad on my intellivision core , there’s an “overlay” for the console controls. You can switch between the controller and the console controls by pressing ‘start’.

I’ve considered automatically switching back to the controller once a console button is pressed. It’s convenient when you’re selecting game options, but once you hit the ‘start’ console button, it’s a race to hit start to get to the game. All opinions on this are welcome.


hot damn, that’s awesome! Thanks for working on this :smiley:

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In the meantime, people might need this freechaf_libretro.info:

display_name = "Fairchild - ChannelF (FreeChaF)"
authors = "David Richardson"
supported_extensions = "bin"
corename = "FreeChaF"
manufacturer = "Fairchild"
categories = "Emulator"
systemname = "ChannelF"
systemid = "channelf"
database = "Fairchild - ChannelF"
license = "GPLv3"
permissions = ""
display_version = "2018.11.12"
supports_no_game = "false"
firmware_count = 3
firmware0_desc = "ChannelF BIOS (PSU 1)"
firmware0_path = "sl31253.bin"
firmware0_opt = "false"
firmware1_desc = "ChannelF BIOS (PSU 2)"
firmware1_path = "sl31254.bin"
firmware1_opt = "false"
firmware2_desc = "ChannelF II BIOS (PSU 1)"
firmware2_path = "sl90025.bin"
firmware2_opt = "false"
notes = "(!) sl31253.bin (md5): ac9804d4c0e9d07e33472e3726ed15c3|(!) sl31254.bin (md5): da98f4bb3242ab80d76629021bb27585|(!) sl90025.bin (md5): 95d339631d867c8f1d15a5f2ec26069d"

EDIT: No need for this text anymore, the file is already in the repos.

FAKEDIT: By the way, how to use this core?
EDIT: Never mind, it’s self explanatory, when you actually pay attention to the letters :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Oops, forgot to edit firmware count.

Wow, there must be something wrong with Math Quiz games and this core, or maybe I’m doing something wrong, the games give me literally no time to answer! :exploding_head:


@recompile OK, I spoke to Twinaphex and he said just transfer it to him:

and he’ll transfer it to the libretro organization.

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Good news can’t wait thanks

@hunterk Thanks for that. I’ve started the transfer to twinaphex.

@RiskyJumps Thanks for that, I didnt’ even know that was needed. I’ve made a few changes and added it to my repository. Should it be in libretro-super ?

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Yeah, he already PRed it and I merged it in.

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@RiskyJumps Math Quiz and Math Quiz II should work correctly now.

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That’s great!. I’ve already tested them :relaxed:

By the way, I saw freechaf_libretro.info in the repository, but it is the uncorrected one, it has the wrong firmware_count line, it should read firmware_count = 3.

This one is incorrect? https://github.com/libretro/libretro-super/blob/master/dist/info/freechaf_libretro.info

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No, that one is fine :slight_smile: . But if you want to nitpick, it doesn’t have “proper” descriptions, it’s not breaking anything, but I believe those lines should read something like:

firmware0_desc = "ChannelF BIOS (PSU 1)"
firmware1_desc = "ChannelF BIOS (PSU 2)"
firmware2_desc = "ChannelF BIOS (PSU 2)"

Just made a PR which fixed the A7A7 platform

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If you want to make a PR for anything like that, I’ll happily merge it :slight_smile:

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I don’t mind nitpicks. sl90025.bin should “ChannelF II BIOS (PSU 1)”.

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Damn ADD… You’re right.

I’m getting some tearing with vsync on. A good game to test on is “Maze, Jailbreak, Blind-man’s-bluff, Trailblazer (USA)”, the flicker effect when you lose.

Hi sorry to bump this tread but any new on this new core available on the core updater ? It looks promising thanks

Why isnt this core inside the core updater? I have gone through it and it gave me less trouble than some other “official” cores do (I wonder if anyone had success booting the VitaQuakeIII…)

Thank you