Some scanline overlays w/fade effect

I’ve been experimenting with overlays again, and thought these might be useful. :smiley: The scanlines in these overlays fade into the visible lines instead of just being completely solid. These will all produce perfect 1:1 scanlines when opacity is set to 100%. The first is for 4x vertical scale and the next two are for 5x vertical scale.

overlays = 1

overlay0_overlay = scanlines-fade-1920x1080-4x.png

overlay0_full_screen = true

overlay0_descs = 0

overlays = 1

overlay0_overlay = scanlines-fade-1920x1080-5x-ver1.png

overlay0_full_screen = true

overlay0_descs = 0

overlays = 1

overlay0_overlay = scanlines-fade-1920x1080-5x-ver2.png

overlay0_full_screen = true

overlay0_descs = 0

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Combining these with the aperture grille effect from the dotmask shader can produce some very nice results.

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