I’ve been testing 1-2 nightly builds per week for the past 6 months. The mass-majority of my testing has been on Shield ATV (no touch, 64b cpu, Android TV 5.1 OS, etc.) GOOD NEWS – Good overall stability and performance once games are running. 4DO and Desume cores are quite a bit faster than I recall in prior nightly builds. This was a nice surprise. BAD NEWS – a few annoying GUI issues have popped up in the past month (or so) making recent builds ‘broken’ with my launcher app and arcade cabinet projects.
Almost all the cores worked beautifully when launched directly from retroarch. Here are a few ‘core’ issues I ran into on Android. My problems may be user error or misplaced or wrong files. I have no other ideas to test though.
– MESS, Prosystem, UME have never worked for me
– Odyssey2 may work but couldn’t figure out the GUI/keyboard settings to pass the 0000 display.
– Mednafen PSX didn’t work for me (I’m less familiar with it though)
[B]Here are the GUI issues I’ve found that may be regressions:
[/B]-- Default Shield game-controller defaults changed – cannot bring up the Retroarch menu (previously with START button).
– Can redefine ‘exit’ as back-button but binding a key to ‘Menu Toggle’ doesn’t work (from RA GUI). The setting for that function can be re-bound but new setting doesn’t stick/save.
– MAME GIT core fails/crashes with retroarch GUI but works fine when launched from the old Android GUI (?!)
– Launch intent code-paths broken – when launching core+games from Hyperspin (or Gamesome or ADB), modified config settings ignored (overlays back on, controller bindings lost, can’t exit, STUCK!)
– In addition, with regard to launch intents, some cores won’t even launch and seem unstable as well (i.e. Handy). This odd issue has been around for awhile. Was hoping the 64b mupen threading fix would help this but it doesn’t.
– a wireless disconnect/connect of controller will crash retroarch GUI (I think)
Cheers, Rez