Beautiful new contributions here!
Gorgeous render and great job on the CPO artwork!
Loving these updates…keep em coming
Restoration CPO UPDATE: Double Dragon TAITO 1987
this one nearly didn’t appear on here as I know @walter.farmacia has done a great 4k CPO overlay since I did this but I finished this a good while ago in late 2020 and never published it using scan of an old Double dragon CPO that I was cleaning up so this will serve as an alternative if anyone is interested. As I previously owned a DD in the late 90’s I know the CPO artwork REALLY well and I needed that level of authenticity since allmost all of the reproduction CPO’s for this are actually composited of other artwork lacking a lot of detail and use the illustrations of the characters from the marquee, they look similar at first glance but there’s actually a lot of differences to the original (emotion on the faces for one!) also the logo is different and the dragon lacks a lot of detail, especially in the top right.
If you’re interested here is a comparison with the archived repo vs a wip of the original i restored (around 80% complete in this)
So, for any purists out there, here is an alternative overlay using @ArsInvictus lovely DD overlay which also included some basic 3D elements from me, here is my 20 months-delayed 3D CPO update for this iconic 1987 Taito classic! Again, one my brother and I loved as kids and I wanted to get up on my cabs for the holidays last year, we bought it for every system and played as often as we could in the arcades. This overlay really deserved a full presentation as it’s such an icon and really defined this genre.
DoubleDragon CPO update for Mame DOWNLOAD
If you decide to add this one, please enjoy!
Beautiful! Love the authentic CPO!
CPO UPDATE: Double Dragon II Technōs/Romstar 1988
Also, I dug out the Double Dragon 2 overlay I built and posted on my old vertical overlay thread here way back in July 2020 and I’ve finally added the CPO I was restoring for that later that year, this 3D render has been sat all that time but life got in the way!
thanks @ArsInvictus, its been a good while since we started talking about doing it - better late than never I guess as always, really appreciate the kind words
After Burner II animated overlay | Upright cab | SEGA 1987
As an early Christmas present to those that love this game, here is the 1987 AM2 classic After Burner II, released 1 year after TopGun smashed into cinemas its one of those games that you’ll always remember having played, no matter how quickly you crashed out! The arcade presentation was simply amazing, and I absolutely loved it, we were lucky enough to have the deluxe version (as seen in Terminator 2) in my local arcade, proudly sitting next to the deluxe Space Harrier and Outrun cabs and i poured all the pocket money i could into it.
Sadly, that one just doesn’t work in vertical, and its visibly quite flat without the movement so this is built on the beautiful upright version, using many photographic references and a poor-quality photo I took of one a few years ago which I used to mimic the lighting here with completely fake (but 100% accurate) lighting painted in for reflections as well as the lamp-light and optics.
It’s been sitting on my cab for a year or so but needed some refinement |(along with space harrier) and I thought I’d shared it but apparently not! This overlay is special as it now reacts fully to the original lighting harness so the hazard lights at the top, ‘LOCK-ON’, and start buttons all work as intended (please see the video above to watch this overlay in action)
That is INSANE! Love the lighting effects too. After Burner was always one of my top favorites and I played it to death in the arcades and on the Genesis version.
Wow! This is really amazing, I was hoping someone would make a fantastic overlay of this cabinet!
The flashing lock-on is so cool too, love it!
Thanks @ArsInvictus , once again I appreciate the positive feedback! Definitely one to just have looping in attract mode on my cabs as those lights really bring it to life - had a feeling you enjoyed this one too, I even suffered the glory of the spectrum version of this so it’s amazing to have it looking so authentic in my home now!
Very glad you like it!! Sorry to sit on it so long, one day my Space Harrior will be shareable too, just have to find time to finish it! Really happy with this, I love the way this gives me RoboCop armour vibes with that neon lighting too…
Stunning. Nothing more to add to this one.
This is stunning m8! Love it!!
Cheers Boz, always appreciate your enthusiasm!
Love this… gives it a bit more warmth with the extra lighting, than the current version I have now.
Would it be okay to add this version in on my next update? (Yes… I’m finally back to working on stuff after over two years absent).
Also… not sure if it was intentional… in the current LAY file, you have the top lamps also linked to the lock-on lamp ("lamp0), so the top flashes every time you lock on to someone, in addition to their expected use (when enemy locks on to you).
Finally got around to playing around with this one (Akka Arrh)… very cool!!
Want to make sure I can also add this one to my next site update?
This one is missing a lamp graphic for the missile lamp, though (to the left of “zoom”)… any chance you can create that graphic and send my way?
I’ve got a video of the actual game, and I can see that a couple things are off, including that missing lamp. Once I get it figured out, I’ll send you over updated LAY settings, so you can update this one.
Hey @MrDo ! I was thinking exactly the same thing, it’s really hard to find a video of it working in order to study it but after playing around with it a bit I can see that the lamps are a little off though I did like the laps syncing with the lock-on and I’ve tweaked one here already, if you can send me the video, I’d happily make those changes and get that updated! glad you like it, and you are more than happy to do whatever you like with it! Thanks!