Recreating instruction cards for a Vigilante overlay:
Nicely done. Looking forward to the overlay.
Vigilante 4K Vertical Overlay
@neokarnage, sorry for the long wait to get this out the door with the control panel artwork and images you provided! I made sure to get the colors and placement right on this one
Hope you enjoy!
@ArsInvictus Thanks again. It looks awesome, even down to the detail that it’s only a single-player game. There was hope you would use the assets, never an expectation. Everything you guys create in your free time is a gift to the community.
I have a super old crappy vizio TV that I threw on top of my bar and an old PC laying around just to get in this MAME action. My entrance to the scene was a result of a spur of the moment trip to The Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester NY with my 3 and 5 year old at the time. I had no idea they had a bunch of retro arcade games (and modern ones as well) before going. But I had more fun than the kids going down memory lane in their arcade/gaming system area of the museum. After that it was 100% from one of @Orionsangel youtube videos I stumbled upon when I got home searching for emulator communities. Took a few months to learn the basics to get all the pieces I needed but I ended up spending so much time on my own personal setup that I went the extra mile to start up my own thread to package it up, release it and document it all for others to use if anyone wanted that method.
I’m only plugging the link in here incase others in this Vertical forum are interested in 1080p horizontal config using Orions work too.
Oh yea I forgot to plug some of the museum links!
Wow, This is great! I have some fond memories of this in the arcade - usually watching someone better play it , and subsequent home Versions too - not played it in a good while so looking forward to getting this on my cabs this weekend for a play though! Awesome work as always
The marquee looks good all lit up. But now I’ve really fallen in love with Soul Edge so don’t know if I want to change the cabinet anymore
Well, Soul Edge is a lot of fun, and a bit of sleeping overlooked classic, I think if you love the game, then keep it!
I guess you can always have the art on standby in case you change your mind in the future? What sort of condition is the CP/side artwork for the cab as it stands?
That Snow Bros 2 marque does look very legit! Great work!
Yeah, and I may get tired of Soul Edge, it has a slower pace to the newer Soul Caliber revisions that I actually like. And of course the iconic voice overs and music!
I have some new old stock side art and a marquee, and the CPO is under plexi. I’m planning to scan all of it and have it reprinted should I decide to stick with Soul Edge. And either way I can use it for an overlay too
Shinobi @PapaShine Edition!
@PapaShine invested his time and 3d modeling skills to create an upgraded control panel for the Shinobi overlay and it’s out there now on the google drive. It incorporates the metallic decal textures and more authentic buttons, sizing and shading, and looks amazing!
Very cool looking indeed. I was wondering if it would be finished since it was 80% done. Glad it was. Great collaboration on this one guys.
I did my best to get something usable from the low resolution copies of the original North American marquee for Undercover Cops, but I still prefer the original font design for the title and the Japanese artwork for the Super Famicom release so I put something together using that art as well.
So, I’ll create two overlays using these as options:
NA Marquee Custom Marquee based on Super Famicom artworkThat’s so awesome. I’m glad I could inspire you.
I’ve improved the dynamic horizontal overlays, thanks to @ArsInvictus support in making the overlays and masks.
There are two versions: Flat and plastic bezels. Just put the files in the VerticalArcade
Rename $GAME$_flat.params
to $GAME$.params
for the flat version (backup the other)
Hope you like them!!!
Undercover Cops Alpha Renewal Version overlay
For those of you not familiar with this title, it was developed by the same team that eventually went on to produce the Metal Slug series, and you can see a lot of similarities in the pixel art style and overall presentation.
I’ve uploaded a custom overlay for the Alpha Renewal version of this game, which is the only version that should really be played anyway (outside of the original Japanese release anyway). The first version was horribly broken for some reason, so Irem quickly released an update to fix the problems with the first international releases.
I just have the japanese art version right now, I’ll come back around to do a version with the NA marquee some other time.
I created a custom bezel and control panel overlay for this one too. I took a page out of the Vigilante art style for this one and I think it fits.
Here is the custom bezel:
@ArsInvictus Never heard or played it before you posted your marquee the other day, but I do love the Metal Slug games, looking forward to opening this up later this week and having a go! Another amazing custom overlay, this would look great on a real cab too!