4K Vertical Overlay Community Contributions

Hi @jmodlin210, do you have the actual marquee? I couldn’t work with a photo like that, I’d need a decent photograph or scan.

If you haven’t seen them, Mr. RetroLust on the Launchbox forums has a large number of Neo Geo dedicated marquees that he has restored. He has done a lot of the KOF titles, but not 2000, unfortunately.

If you can provide a good, high res image, I’d be happy to work on the clean up.

attaching steel gunner marquee to be cleaned and restored in high quality.

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https://www.arcadeartwork.org/picture.php?/12581/search/41861 to clean and restore twin eagle 2 marquee entirely.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdJrkU6W4AYwBWB?format=jpg&name=large of street fighter alpha 3 marquee to be cleaned and restored entirely.

https://www.arcadeartwork.org/picture.php?/100947/search/9746 to clean and restore teenage mutant ninja turtles marquee entirely.

Shadow Force - Transformation Ninja overlay

Here is the overlay for Shadow Force. This game seems to be completely forgotten these days, but I believe it was the last beat 'em up and last game to be released by Technos, the creators of Double Dragon and Renegade. There is a really nice write up of the game here at hardcoregaming.

I did expand the screen area on the bezel for the overlay as there was a lot of dead space in the bezel design for this purpose anyway.

The cleaned up marquee is also out on my dropbox: Shadow Force Marquee


Thanks @Dreamstate, it did feel good after all that work lol. I’ve been leaving it running on my own cab. I’m still not sure about the colors there, there is only 1 example of this cab I was able to find online for reference and it was definitely shifted blue to match the marquee more closely from that pic, but it’s not clear enough to be sure.

I’ll have to listen to that soundtrack more closely after work. Beverly hills cop, so classic!

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Updated Colony 7 Overlay

I added a hand created rendition of the original Taito coin door to the overlay:


Yep! Now I’ve got the updated version from @papashine I’ll add it in and will be even better :slight_smile:


Colony 7 with new coin door from @PapaShine

Many thanks to PapaShine for contributing his time and talents in the creation of a beautiful 3D render of the original Taito coin door featured on this cabinet. Hopefully, this will be the last iteration of this overlay for a while :slight_smile:

I’ve put the hi-res coin door file out on my dropbox for anyone else who wants to use them for their own projects (@papashine let me know if there is another way you want to share your work):


Looks awesome @ArsInvictus, great job! subtle upgrade but really makes a difference on 4k vertical screen- You can do what you like with it with your uploads/overlays, I think it might be best to set up a separate thread for these, ‘the CoinMech Project’ or whatever, so we have variations and uploads there, (keen not to distract/pollute the overlay threads too much with ref and revisions for these, etc) and everyone can make requests and pull down what they need for their overlays - Its a small part of the overall art but I’m sure some people will use more of it than others.

I agree with you entirely on the other elements, been thinking about it for a few weeks - I’m planning to set up maybe another thread for separate 3d elements to render to help you/the comunity: blank doors; separate coin slots/buttons (texted and non texted); Strips of t-molding, vert and horizontal, curved, etc; reflected Plexiglass tilted at various angles; plastic textured monitor bezels and speaker panels; curved plexiglass for Marquees (like Robocop, Dragons layer etc) maybe various joysticks and buttons for people who want to add the CP in as well.

I’ll set up a Google drive for these first with each one I build in and happy to share space/admin with others who want to add to it to keep it all together.


Thanks @PapaShine, I agree, subtle, but it’s the little things that add up to make something great, every small improvement helps.

I agree on setting up a separate thread for these 3d assets. I love the ideas you mentioned, if we can get a really good collection of these things together, we’ll improve everyone’s overlays and get a lot more variety than we can on our own. The plexi variations you mentioned would be absolutely brilliant too.

Looking forward to all these new graphical goodies! :slight_smile:


Vanguard with Zaccaria artwork

This one here is thanks to the hard work of @Dreamstate, who provided the restored artwork. It’s really a beautiful set. I’ll update it with the original Zaccaria coin door once it’s been rendered.

This particular cabinet screams for a full 3d cabinet render IMO, as it has a really unique layout that’s difficult to capture using my usual format in Photoshop.

But, here it is:


Looks great, such beautiful vibrant colors! Thanks @ArsInvictus and @Dreamstate for bringing that to life, hope I can have something over to complete this in the next 24hrs. Just looking at the cab refs i can see a load of art inside the play area around the sides and back too, not sure how that would ever work on these overlays without tilting the screen at a crazy angle! As always, its awesome to see these as coming to life!

@ArsInvictus, I can set up some 3d panels that I can drop your art onto for 3D elements, to get realistic cab reflections etc, looking at this cab and a few others they built, I can see they have a nice curve to the marquee with chrome at the top and bottom so I’ve set up a quick test - I could easily swap out the art with Crazy Kong/QUASAR etc for other overlays.

What do you think?

would you be interested in the control panels too? (correct perspective/3d buttons etc)


Yep, that’s the Zaccaria cab design, also scramble is the same. Just wondering if we are going to much down the 3d track, but it works well.

Also I like cpo in my overlays, but tried to stay away from true 3d perspective as it can distort or clip. So have it more graphical( if that makes sense) But you could do it with a camera and high focal length 400mm plus to minimise distortion. If you see some of VCabinet(Facebook) overlays, they are done in 3d too, he also let’s you see some of the side panels, and in some he also tilts the screen back. Check them out.(frogger is one of his latest)


@Briball, yep sorry, 3d isn’t my only MO, just falling down another rabbit hole! I’ll take a step back and stick with the Coin doors :+1:

sure, the Cp is good to fill out some of the vertical space especially with these cabs - that was more of a response to @ArsInvictus comment about a possible full 3D render but not trying to take away from everyone’s efforts, just finding out what he was looking for :relaxed:

And yes, been following Vcabinet for a few years and love the wall-mounted cab design, finally found time to build 3 slightly modified versions of them (two for me and one for my brother) , only one left to complete this week!


Hey @PapaShine, yes, send it my way and I can drop it in. especially for this cabinet, I like that the 3D allows it to be more authentic, that curved marquee was very unique. I was thinking to tinker around with a way to bend it in PS myself, but this saves me the time and is more realistic.

I also would love those chrome parts, as well as any other nice frames you might have to share. I can probably do the reflections myself for most overlays just with blur and opacity etc, so I wouldn’t be dependent on you to complete them.

For the CPO, I’m not as big into those in general for my own overlays, just because I find the look a bit distracting and the CPO art tends to be the most difficult to find. I added the CPO here because @Dreamstate put so much work into the CPO and I didn’t want to waste it. For this Vanguard overlay, I think a 3D CPO would work well, and might give some space back to show more of your upcoming coin door :wink:

I’m always happy to experiment with new things. But I don’t have those 3D skills you have so will probably be sticking to Photoshop for my own work in most cases. However, if there are any particular cabs you want to collaborate on, let me know.


Yes precisely, that’s exactly my plan, just a tool kit of bits to embellish peoples work and custom elements if people want them for something like steering wheels, etc (should they want to use it) to save time, not a replacement for the 2D art, far from it - I really don’t like too much perspective in the bezels and art, just subtle tweaks to give the impression of depth/angles, like that marquee, the speaker panel, etc - i find Cp’s, in general distracting as well, I’d rather build a control guide/sticker for people to read in the same art style, totally agree that’s on a case by case basis as this one looks great. :slight_smile:


Sounds like we are after the same thing then @papashine, good to hear. And per @dreamstate’s comment, yes, I am also looking to keep a degree of consistency in overall look in place, but some variety in the materials we’ve discussed will be a big improvement. Plus, I don’t want to get bored :slight_smile:

I threw the higher resolution marquee with the lighting and some warping at the top and bottom on to my dropbox here, if it improves the render quality:

I chopped some of the top and bottom off when I placed it in the marquee space to match the reference photos I’d found.


Hrmm, looking at that again, I could probably do some more color shifting there on the smoke and buildings in the center… [EDIT: Updated now, a bit closer]


Tecmo Knight (a.k.a Wildfang) 4K Vertical Overlay

This one required a restoration of the bezel scan kindly provided by @MrDo . That bezel had a fair amount chopped off the top and bottom and a little on the sides, so I found a lower resolution version of the full bezel online and filled it back in as well as I could. Unfortunately it is a best guess in some parts of it, but I still prefer having those extra parts of the image over even if they aren’t 100% authentic. That extra complexity required quite a few hours of work but hopefully folks will enjoy the end result.

I also found a marquee online and purchased and photographed it for inclusion here.

The overlay is under “wildfang” as that is the MAME name for this set.

Here is the restored bezel and marquee: