4K Vertical Overlay Community Contributions

Progear in 4K Vertical Format

Large Screen Variation:

I spent a ton of time on the instruction card for this one, as the only english scan of it was pretty faded and blurry due to the material it was printed on. I was able to take some elements from a much cleaner scan of the japanese version of the same card and replaced about 90% of it with cleaner graphics and replaced the japanese text with english. The card is out there for anyone who wants to download it:

Original version:

My rework:


I also did my own marquee for this one. There is an original arcade marquee but I felt like Capcom dropped the ball on the design on this one as it didn’t really fit the rest of the art produced for the game and was poorly designed. The marquee is also there for download:

All of these are probably at high enough resolution they would be suitable for printing for an actual cabinet.


Hyper Dyne Sidearms 4K Vertical Overlay

Large Screen Version:


1943: The Battle Of Midway 4K Vertical Overlay


Golden Axe 4K Vertical Overlay


I love your work in general, but these last 3 are standouts. great stuff!


Agreed. 1943 is so sexy it hurts.


Thanks @hunterk and @Kondorito, I think it’s really just that these games had some great artwork originally. I wish the game companies kept producing this kind of quality, after the 80’s they really stopped investing in their cabinet designs.

It’s funny because these each only took me maybe an hour each, while anything I do custom is usually many hours of internet research, design and photoshop. Like that R-type one, I actually purchased the side art, scanned it in and then recomposed the artwork in photoshop. These last three were just drag and drop :slight_smile:


I think this probably coincides with the move away from dedicated cabs and over to JAMMA+Dynamo. I’ve played on so many cabs with mismatched or outright wrong artwork, zero bezel borders, etc.

Yeah, the cabinet artwork was reduced to a marquee and some stickers. it’s a shame, people want these old games like Galaga, Burgertime, Centipede, even SF2CE etc in their home today in part because the cabinet design and artwork was so well done and iconic. I love that old artwork, which is a big part of the reason I’m doing these overlays.


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 4K Vertical Overlay


@ArsInvictus i have to say, your vertical overlays are the best thing since sliced bread :wink:


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, one of my favorite arcade games (at least from the nostalgic group). That overlay is fire!

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Amazing work thank you.

Can you made a instalation tutorial for using your bezells for new users on retroarch ?

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Thanks @ImnoTapLumber and @Kondorito, for your encouragement, it def helps motivate me to keep going with these!

I didn’t play C & D when it came out, found out about it via MAME, but it’s a favorite for me too. This and Battle Circuit are my two favorite beat em ups, and both are not as well known as they should be. Both are a ton of fun and have great characters, art and gameplay.

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Yeah, I can look into that. I think @Orionsangel has an installation video that would probably apply to mine as well. However, I haven’t been creating cfg files with the screen layouts for mine yet, meaning there is some manual setup for each overlay right now. That’s something I need to work on to make these easier to install for people. I’m afraid I’m not as organized with these things as I should be.

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Hey how big is your 4:3 area with the full screen edits of the bezels?

@BlackTiger You can check out my tutorials on it. Hope it helps you.


Full screen width comes out to 24 inches diagonal on a 40" monitor (though with the HSM reflection bezel it comes out to more like 22.

Just checked and the smaller screen is just shy of 19 inches, with the HSM bezel it’s about 17. So, about the same as an arcade1up screen.

@Orionsangel thx for links, they’ll be useful. I will check definitely .

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