I’ve been trying to use the Galaga vertical overlay, but the overlay stays in landscape mode; therefore I can’t view the entire overlay properly because it’s in horizontal/landscape mode. I don’t know how to rotate the overlay to portrait mode so I can view it vertically. Can someone please tell me how to do it if it’s possible to do?
It depends somewhat on your PC config, are you in portait mode in Windows? RetroArch should pick that up and align the overlay orientation to match. Otherwise, you can change the rotation within the RetroArch video settings too under Settings…Output…Screen Orientation
I’ve also just added Galaga to the MegaBezel pack we are building, and if you set up MegaBezel on your machine you can just synchronize with the pack to get everything we’ve done so far and easily keep up to date with new additions:
Here’s a shot with the Galaga overlay using MegaBezel:
I’m in horizontal mode. When I rotated my screen, the overlay doesn’t rotate properly with it. It won’t match up with the video screen at all. I can rotate the game any direction I want, but the overlay won’t rotate with it.
Are you changing Video Rotation or Screen Orientation? Video Rotation will rotate the game screen only, while Screen Orientation rotates the entire screen.
To use the monitor vertically in windows (e.g. physically rotated 90 degrees) you need to set the windows display settings to Portrait mode
I changed the screen orientation and it didn’t budge.
I’m using Android, not Windows. Does that make a difference?
Sort of, basically you want the operating system to set the screen as portrait, then retroarch will launch in portrait mode and all the UI will be aligned properly. Make sure you don’t have any extra rotation set in the retroarch settings. Also can you post an image of what you are seeing so we can better understanding what you are seeing?
Run&Gun and Run&Gun 2. I discovered R&G2 is a double monitor game, however the overlay I found is like the R&G(1) game. Not sure why. It would be cool having a two stacked monitor overlay, like Punch Out, even not being realistic.

Grind Stormer / V-Five Marquees
Continuing with my Toaplan series: V-Five was released in Japan in 1993 but was followed up with a North American release with a new title, Grind Stormer which included some significant changes to the gameplay which made it harder. Grind Stormer was released on the Mega Drive/Genesis later that year (I think) and it included a “V-Five” mode so both variations were playable at home.
For MAME, these are entirely different romsets, so I’m creating a variation for each. Here are the marquees:
i know it can be a weird question but why not to put this vertical overlays on github instead of google ? we’ll can update easily with GithUb desktop…There’s probably a good reason but I don’t see what it is at the moment.
I tried doing that a while back but I had issues with performance for these large files and GitHub themselves seem to discourage the use of their platform for large repositories. It’s been a while, but I think I tried doing a bulk update with a large number of the overlays and it actually seemed to hang and crash at some point during the transfer. They have a large file storage option, but that just acts as a pointer to the file at another location, which seemed overlay complex for this.
Is there something GitHub would do for us that Google Drive can’t? I don’t really think we need merging and other code related capabilities etc…
You’re right. I missed it when I upload them. Not at home right now. I’ll upload it tomorrow.
Thanks for testing them!!
I’m glad you brought this setting up. I just gave this a quick test using OrionsAngel Mortal Kombat with it on vs off. Clearly it brightens up video but it also factors into the reflection shader as well and gives it a much stronger reflection. I’m not sure which I prefer yet honestly. I need to sit down and play more with it on vs off but I do like seeing more color tone variations when it’s off vs on. And let’s be honest, the reflections on the bezel are a huge wow factor in these setups, so it shines that up a lot as well. I think I like it off myself.
It’s best to actually download both images and use arrow keys left and right on your image viewer to flip from one to the other for best comparison.
Thanks @MagicHat, I think I prefer it off, when I look at an actual CRT it doesn’t have any kind of drop of like that, not that I can detect anyway, so it seems more authentic. And then for the reflection itself, that can always just be tuned down again if it’s too bright without the vignette.
You’re welcome @MagicHat. I didn’t think about it when I looked at it, but you’re absolutely right: It affects also the way the reflection works. I understand why @HyperspaceMadness left it on by default though, but I clearly prefer it off.
I’m not sure about the computation cost, but I think I might turn it off by default, and reduce the CRT curvature multiplier by default, though the bezel will stay curved.