4K Vertical Overlay Community Contributions

To be honest, I’m starting to think 1080 displays are not suitable for vertical overlays and maybe does not worth the effort to tweak the shaders for it. As you said, the “effective” resolution of the CRT is too small. Actually, all “realistic” overlays, like verticals and OrionsAngel’s horizontals, cannot be used with 1080p if you want a “real” experience. So, I think once we have a nice set of vertical overlays and their .params, I’m gonna invest in a nice 4K setup. :grin:


Thanks @Drybonz but I do not make the overlays. Don’t have that skill. I just make the .params for the HSM Mega Bezel.

Speaking of it, some new .params and their overlays in @ArsInvictus GDrive. I’m not sure but maybe I’ll stop doing this until next year… :grin:


Thanks for doing all these @K-rnivoro! Seeing some of these made me realize how many I need to go back to and modernize, when I started this I had no idea what to put at the bottom of the overlay so I was even sticking my pseudonym down at the bottom lol

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I’ve been working on another Toaplan title and have a marquee together for it now. Toaplan was mostly known for their shooters, but occasionally would make a foray into other genres (e.g. Snow Bros!). In this case it was a Breakout/Arkanoid style title called Ghox. This was unique in terms of the controls, it had a specially designed spinner that could also shift up and down to move your “paddle” in 4 directions. It was also a two player spinner game and I don’t think there are many of those out there either.

In any event, I had never heard of nor played this game before but I actually like it more than Arkanoid or any other breakout style game I’ve tried so far! It feels like a lost gem.

Here is the marquee:

300dpi Ghox marquee

This game is playable with a joystick or spinner but I found the joystick controls to be very awkward and the spinner was much easier, and though you can’t move the paddle forward/back I didn’t find that to be truly required in terms of gameplay, at least as near as I can tell.

@NeoKarnage, one cool thing about this title, is it seems really well suited to the GRS rotary controls! Glenn included the ability to set the joystick to smooth rotation to act as a spinner, but you could also use the stick to move up/down. I haven’t tried this yet with this game, but it’s very cool that such an oddball control scheme actually has a working solution available :sunglasses:

I’ll keep working on the overlay, but think I may need to take a break from this stuff for a bit and chill for the holidays.


Yeah!! I’m ok with you name at the bottom really. After all you made them!!! Anyway, I’m not sure if I’m using the last version, mostly for those without CPO. Do not hesitate to tell me if I slipped an old one!!!

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PACMAN (1980) Midway


Thanks @walter.farmacia. As far I can say, it’s the same I used for puckman, although Pacman is a clone of puckman, right?

I’ve uploaded three more.


yep, Puck Man (Japan set) is the parent rom and Pac-Man (Midway) is a clone :wink:


More Ghox materials:

I ended up working for the morning on some more art for Ghox. My daughter and I played all the way through the game last night, it’s a pretty short game if you just push quarters into it. It’s also a lot easier with 2 players, but it was a ton of fun and she enjoyed it too.

So, I’ve got a custom bezel design and instruction cards ready:

Full 300 dpi versions of both cards and bezel are here:

300 dpi Ghox artwork

Another bezel for you @Orionsangel.


More overlays with .params including Star Trek and Star Wars, two color vector games. Edit January 10th: Improved brightness and reflection of Star Wars and Star Trek. Look at new screenshots at the end.

New settings for vector games:


Ghox 4k Vertical Overlay

Here’s the completed Ghox overlay, out on the gdrive now:

Happy New Year! Hope you all have a bangin 2024!


Airwolf look amazing!!!

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KLAX 4K Vertical Overlay

Not sure how this omission occurred, but I guess we hadn’t done Klax yet??? Anyway, put it together this morning and it’s out on the drive now:



Three in two different “flavors”. @ArsInvictus, I’m not sure who did Battle Garega with CPO, but maybe would be cool having one with full bezel and CPO.


Hey Ars… is this the same Klax bezel as the MAME artwork collection, or a better image? If so, would you mind uploading the raw bezel only? Thanks in advance.

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A plus because…why not.


It’s the same bezel that’s in the MAME artwork zip, though the mame artwork zip doesn’t have the control panel or marquee in there at all…

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I did the Battle Garegga. I could put the CPO on the bezel with artwork, but I think I swapped it with the plastic bezel at the time because it was too monochromatic and didn’t look great together. I’m tempted to revisit that CPO and come up with a generic control panel for the Raizing titles in the same vein as the Toaplan one, which is in a style more in line with what they would have produced back then.

I’ll think on this one…

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Thanks. I had tried to run it through Gigapixel at one point to make the small lettering more legible, but it didn’t do much for it.

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Looking at the file I have here, the text looks like it may be at native resolution, meaning someone went over the file and just found the matching fonts and typed it in. This file doesn’t appear to have the kind of artifacts I would normally see in scanned text. The file is at 4,000x4,000, so it wouldn’t be full print quality, but if you were looking for that it would be easy enough to use gigapixel (or even vectorize) for the graphical parts and then retype the text again.

I zoomed way in on the text and it definitely has already been replaced with native fonts: