4K Vertical Overlay Community Contributions

Yeah, I think the best solution would be to let people pick the size they want, so if you could get Ryan or TIna to agree to offer different sized monitors like they do for some of the other cabinets it would be ideal :slight_smile:

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Definitely. If you are on a first name basis with them, maybe you could put in a good word for more options as well lol. :slight_smile:

I think they would be the best option to build it. As they could 360 the whole thing with controllers, glass, audio, all of it. Game room solutions seems to keep growing their product line of available cabinets.

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Yeah, they seem to know me since I’ve bought a few cabs from them and they actually sent me an email telling me how much they liked the House of the Dead 2 original marquee on the Gun House cabinet I bought from them after seeing a reddit post I made. And Tina made sure that my Pump it Up cabinet was done to spec really well too. I can send them a note next time you follow up with them, just let me know when you contact them.

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Nice reading your comments about vertical cabinets. The more I read, the more I’m conviced to wait and buy a nice 4K TV. :grin: In the meantime, I do the only thing I can do, more params files. I used vector params for Tempest (thanks @HyperspaceMadness) so his examples pack are needed as they were for Asteroids. Also Tigeroad had that layer of glass reflection over the screen so I decided to put the bezel “over” it. I’ve also made Disc of Tron following @HyperspaceMadness example. I’m not sure if it’s historically accurate regarding the way it looked back then with the backdrop, but I like the way those lines ends at the edge of the frame. Pengo has a very thin bezel so I tried to keep it that way therefore the reflection is very sutil.


Thanks @K-rnivoro! My only disagreement with these is on Tempest, with that cabinet you can’t see any monitor bezel at all, it’s a dark tinted sheet of plexi so the game just kind of floats out there. I think for that game it’s better to just turn the bezel and reflections off. By all means use the nice vector shading effects though…

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Yeah, you’re right. I should look how to use only the CRT shader for that game. Maybe HSM MB is not needed for that one.

Edit: I think now looks better. I have to confess I haven’t seen any Tempest cabinet in my life. Actually most ot the arcade games in my country had some generic cabinet. They imported only the board.

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Last overlays for today. Go to bed now. Happy New Year everybody!!


Yeah, I had to do it… What’s the point of building a vertical cabinet if it is not for this game, right? :grin:

Paperboy as a “bonus”, for those who like bezels, there you have a very thick one!!!


Vimana 4k Vertical Overlay

Another in my recent series of Toaplan shooters. This wasn’t a very well received title from Toaplan and a rare misstep in their long line of legendary shooters. There wasn’t a lot of material available for this game either but I did what I could and did a lot of work to upscale the logo and create new instruction cards:

I traced and vectorized the logo and spent time upscaling and restoring the circular motif behind it:

Ludicrous resolution Vimana logo

Created this custom marquee based on that logo, I explored a lot of options but in the end decided to go with a simple background:

300 dpi Vimana Marquee

And then took an original instruction card and reformatted it into two cards for use on each side of the bezel:


That looks pretty good for Tempest. That was a favorite of mine. The bezel was just black. I can’t remember if it had any texture on it… it’s been a long time. Looking at your overlay gives me the nostalgias though. :+1:

Your Asteroids Deluxe looks great too. I think there’s a more greenish backdrop that was the original… or maybe just the one you would see more commonly.

Me too!!!

That’s the only one I could find. If you find a better one, I’ll be happy to use it.

I know this could be a sensitive topic, but is really the “vignette” effect desirable? I mean, I know it exists in arcade monitors but it a lot less noticeable in profesional (PVM) monitors. I understand the nostalgia but I’m not sure if I like it more. In any case, I will keep it. It can be disable by using HSM_SCREEN_VIGNETTE_ON = "0.000000" in the game.params file, or the _base.params file for all specific aspect ratio games.


I prefer vignette off myself


Maybe we should add HSM_SCREEN_VIGNETTE_ON = "0.000000" in the _base.params then.

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Well, it’s not better, really, but if you want it as an alternate this is the one I use. It’s pretty close, but looks more like I remember them… less orange, maybe (of course, this is a long time ago and my memory could be off). I also turn the opacity down on my backdrops a bit because it makes them look more authentic to me. They looked a bit dim in the machines… like they were off in the dark a bit.

I also use it even though I turn off curvature, which, I know, is weird.

Here’s what my screen looks like playing. I’m horizontal, but I like to pop in and see what you guys are up to sometimes.

For the base settings my thinking has been to leave things to default for the most part, just because it lessons the chance that something might change in the HSM shader itself that would require an update to our params files and cause a break of some kind. I figure anyone who wants to alter the settings can do so easily enough by just saving off their own preset on top of Multigame.slangp (as long as simple presets is used) or doing what I did for the NeoGeo set and adding an extension reference file as another layer.

But I may be overthinking it, for Vignette I don’t feel it adds that much value personally and I think there’s a computational cost it incurs for lower end systems.

Btw @K-rnivoro, some of the settings in the MBZ shader are much more computationally intensive from what I’ve seen, for instance the 3D curvature is much more expensive than the 2D, and I’ve seen some of the noise related preferences have a frame rate impact. You might want to experiment with some options to see if they have an effect. I used a 1060 for a long time without issue at 4K with these overlays.

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From what I can remember, HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader is supposed to have an excellent and very authentic looking preset for vector games.

Maybe @HyperspaceMadness or @Duimon can refresh the memory as to where to find it.

It’s in the MB “Variations>Vector” folder.

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Yes, that’s actually what I’m using. I just set opacity 0 for bezel and reflection in Tempest and Asteroids Deluxe.