8bitdo FC30/NES30 Bluetooth Controller and Lakka

Works for me ! the pair command have to be done at first :

agent on
power on
discoverable on
pairable on
scan on
pair E4:17:D8:4A:06:7A 
connect E4:17:D8:4A:06:7A
trust E4:17:D8:4A:06:7A 

and then after reboot, when i power on the joypad, it works


Hello everyone. Experiencing the same problem. But the solution provided here does not work for me, I guess.

When booting up Lakka, waiting for 1–2 minutes (also SSH service needs that time until it’s started), then powering on the gamepad, I get the following in my SSH session:

# Lakka - The DIY retro emulation console #
# ...... visit http://www.lakka.tv ...... #

Lakka (official): 2.3.1 (RPi2.RPi4.arm)
Lakka:~ # bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller B8:27:EB:3D:A1:8F %h [default]
[NEW] Device E4:17:D8:46:65:6A 8Bitdo SFC30 GamePad
Agent registered
[8Bitdo SFC30 GamePad]#

So … the gamepad IS connected. But the retroarch interface shows no message about some registered controller and also doesn’t react to my key strokes.

Any ideas?

Others seem to have submitted the configuration of this gamepad, maybe you need to upgrade the firmware?

I’m already using the latest firmware, v4.20 …