I’d like to have an Amiga CD32 only core (separated from generic Amiga core) because it’s “a console” -> GamePad control in mind -> easier to play from your couch (and configure etc.). The RPi3 port should use Amibarry (an enhanced version of uae4arm…) as a base that work great on RetroPie… Anyone interested ?
Yep, I’d support this bounty too !
I’ll pay [$30] for this…
How is amiberry compared to something like fsuae or winuae for pc?
I have no clue on the technical side but would the best emulator for amiga be the best core for RA to port?
Either way i will chip in
Amiberry is basically a “fork of a port” of WinUAE. In fact is a fork of uae4arm which in turn is a port of WinUAE, originally developed for Pandora (a “Nintendo DS” style minicomputer from 2010) and subsequently for others ARM based devices.
More info: Home: http://blitterstudio.com/amiberry/ GitHub: https://github.com/midwan/amiberry
BTW, would this bounty have to be Pi specific ? I guess it would be cool to have a lightweight version (using a faster port of UAE) and a regular version for PCs using fs-uae (which is actively developed and has so many more features).
A supported FS-UAE core would be great, which does support CD32, and WHDLoad format roms.
Amiberry have heavy dependence from SDL and GUICHAN library. so it’s not a very good candidate for a libretro core. however I’ve done a POC time ago on RPI3 using sdl-librero , but it was too buggy to release and never had time to rework on it.
I was not aware of these issues, I suggested Amiberry because it seemed to me the best emulator already available for the ARM platform. Of course any other solution would be okay (i.e. a porting of WinUAE or FS-UAE to ARM)…
The idea behind my project is to bring the Amiga experience to a hardware capable of supporting it in a smooth way. I know the RPi3 is fit for that purpose (ie Amiberry). I am also convinced that the Amiga “console” should be separated from the Amiga “computer”, this would provide a more seamless experience to the RetroArch platform… Of course I’m open to alternative solutions (ie RPi3-> PC) if my request would be too difficult to achieve. FS-UAE is a great thing, mainly for it’s “configuration DB” and the easy-to-use interface, but it’s basically a fork of WinUAE.
If FS-UAE result easier to port to ARM platform the “bounty hunter” is free to choose any Amiga emulator seems appropriate. WHDLoad is a great idea so, it’s support to the core may be a welcome addition to my request.
Oh yes, libretro desperately needs a proper Amiga core
I guess there are quite a few challenges : how to handle the lack of 50 Hz (it’s so sad those butter smooth games have tearing or stuttering on our screens), how to handle resolution switches / interlaced modes, proper handling & indexing of whdload games… including savegames etc. But as you all know, the best computer of the 80s needs a proper treatment
Anyone come across a dev thats up for porting a new Amiga core???
We don’t even need a new core but somebody to actively work on completing libretro P-UAE to build out the features it doesn’t appear to have although the documentation is there e.g. CD32 support, 2 controller support, ease of uae configuration.
I would gladly stump up for this!
Me to, but it seems cash is not a great motivator. We need to hunt down a dev and plead for help! Or kidnap one and lock them in the basement lol
Has anyone actually made this into an active bounty?
I would also be willing to contribute to this bounty to have a good Amiga / CD32 core with 2 player support.
Bounty created. Links below:
Please add to the bounty if you can cheers
I would rate amiga emulators in this order in terms of accuracy.
1.Winuae and FS-Uae 2.Amiberry 3.Uae4all2 4.P-Uae
A core of Amiberry or FS-Uae would be the best outcome.
Until a good core comes along Im using LE9 Remix and running cd32 games from emulationstation. It uses amiberry and supports quite a few devices like RPI3 and S905 models and Odroid C2. The Generic version uses FS-UAE and I have that booting from usb on my PC.
I had a similar idea for the Amiga500 [1], which seems to be the system with most games available. The the CD32, as a console, seems to be the obvious choice however it “only” sports 175 games
In any case I would support it with money, just not the RPi3, I need it to be x86
And for those who didn’t know, there is also WinFellow [2]?