Android Nightly discussion thread

Retroarch 1.8.9 Android Core Gamecube Wii & PS2 Black Screen. How to fix this?

Hello, I don’t know where to start a new topic I am writing because I have Nvidia Shield TV pro 2019, I wanted to download today 16/08/2020 Retroarch from and when I click, a 404 error pops up - Not Found what’s going on, will it be fixed, thank you for a quick reply. I have been using retroarch for a long time is great !!

Please read this:

I’ve got a recent Android phone (SD855) should I be using the 64bit or 32bit version at this point? I thought the 64 bit had fewer cores available or something, but don’t remember and am downloading it manually now after Google’s Play Store BS.

I personally have both installed. They have different core folders, so they coexist with no issues.

I have no issue loading roms if they are located on my tablets internal memory; however I’m running into an issue loading when they are located on my mini-sd card.

I’m not sure if it is a matter of not finding the correct directory or maybe the option does not exist. Any advice on how to explore what roms I have on my sd card?

Tere! - Libretro Forums What I had to do to register new account, that bot was somewhat useful. I had question is there OUYA core for arm based RetroArch.apk available. If not why?