Archos gamepad 2 retroarch emulator driving me M.A.D. (Other emus/games work)

Hello everyone,

I am the extremely happy owner of an archos gamepad 2. Great general-use tablet, powerfull enough for most android games (GTA, dead trigger, agarest, riptide gp 2, repulze, …) and VERY nice for emulators. Now I already have snes9ex+ , animeonline snes, fpse, myboy! free, mupen64+, drastic (full speed DS emu!) and some others on it, and they all work 100% perfect.

I have retroarch for the master syste, mega drive, nes emulators, and for chrono cross because it´s a heavy game and all emulators but PCSX ReARMED have minor lag when transitioning to battle screen (yes I hate that kind of incredibly minor problem).

My problem is two-fold: first, whenever I save a game on a ´memory card´ or whatever the nes and megadrive used, then restart the emulator, the saved games are gone. For example, under the pcsx ReARMED emu, the game reports both memory cards are empty. This obviously is a huge problem.

Second problem is with the controller. It´s pre-configured perfectly. BUT. The 4 buttons on the right, the d-pad, and the 4 shoulder buttons together seem to form ´joy_key´. The 2 analog sticks are ´joystick´. The hardware volume key is´rk29-keypad´ and the back button is ´virtual´. This wouldn´t be a problem since I only use the analogue sticks if my life depe… - if it´s an android game, except for the fact that whenever I start, or switch back to, either the retroarch menu or a retroarch emulator, there is a ´race condition´ between these 4 over who gets to control which ´input port´ . Since the sticks sometimes tend to have almost immeasurable small input by themselves (which is not a problem in android games or the UI), they sometimes get assigned port 0, after which pressing a key on the ´joy_key’ will give port 1 to that 'separate device´ - making the game completely uncontrollable untill I switch in and out a few times and ´get lucky´. This is really annoying. I have searched and searched, but can not seem to find a way to only use joy_key and completely ignore the rest.

Now this is not a problem at all in other emus, including the same ones included in retroarch when used separately (ie mupen64 plus), so does anyone know of a way to fix this problem? also, more importantly, to be able to get the PSX and other emu´s to actually save games?? Any help would be much appreciated!

Oh and one last thing - because the thing seems to think the android back button belongs to device ´virtual´, pressing it does not do anything, even when setting back button behaviour in options to open menu. This means I can´t save or load any save-states in-game, which makes the memory card problem all the more fatal. Anyone know of a way to fix that?

I have the same problems with the Archos Gamepad 2 in retroarch 1.2.2 for Android, tried using a daily built but the problem with the back button and the analog sticks not working (can’t map the sticks) is still there, does anyone know of any solution? that tablet is perfect for retroarch it would be awesome if the analog sticks worked.

It’s not really our fault, our input system relies on input devices (one device assigned to one port), and the archos gamepad’s input is THREE devices instead of one plus some duct tape… I don’t have one so I can’t come up with a hack to make it work as one but I tried, if you’re in 1.2.2 try a recent nightly.

About saves, check your save directory and check that you can write to it. Google changed the permission scheme a while back and in many cases you can’t write to the ROM directory (specially if roms are in the external SD card), change your save dir to something else.

Thanks a lot will try that, btw the archos analog sticks work perfectly in mupen 64 plus ae, ppsspp and my boy, also you can map them perfectly, maybe that will help you with the fix?

no, RetroArch uses ONE device for ONE player port so the only way is to implement a device specific hack for your device that wraps them together as if it was one.

Tried the most recent nightly but the left analog of the archos gamepad 2 still doesn’t work at all and it won’t map, trying to map the left analog stick makes retroarch crash, also you can map the right analog now but only the left and right axis, up and down don’t work.

Thats why I mentioned those emulators maybe you can use the source code of those to fix the retroarch archos 2 mapping issues, since the archos mapping works perfectly in those emulators.

no, we can’t hack appart the source code for one device. Can you list the devices? I think the crash may be caused by the patch I attempted before

[QUOTE=Radius;28829] Can you list the devices? I think the crash may be caused by the patch I attempted before[/QUOTE]

How do I do that? When mapping the input of all buttons register as btn perfectly but the left stick doesn’t register anything then if you keep pressing it retroarch crashes, the right stick registers as hat #0 left and hat #0 right but up and down don’t register

BTW can you fix the back button not working to open the menu issue with the archos gamepad 2 reported above? You can’t open the quick menu during gameplay which makes some games unplayable.

Re: inability to enter the menus, you could use the ‘immerse’ overlay, which is invisible by default but brings up some nice hotkey functions when you tap the screen, like menu, rewind, FF, savestate, etc.

Thanks works great now I can use save states, is there anything we users can do to help you find a way to make the archos gamepad 2 analog sticks work in retroaarch?.

Hi, I’m struggling with this issue since long time ago with my Archos Gamepad (look this post maybe the best thing that We can do is find a second hand unit (or new) and send it to Radius, then, He can work properly for a fix (just an idea).

So where do we have to send the unit?

I’m in Ecuador, and taxes are prohibitive so idk it’s a viable option.

Too bad guess we will have to stick to using the archos game mapping tool to make the analogs work in retroarch.

With the last nightly Retroarch detect the left analog (it said ARCHOS GAMEPAD and the message stuck in the screen) but you can’t configure it, with the right analog you can map it but only the left and right axis like talos9 said before.

Wonder how all the other android emulators detect the analogs perfectly and allow mapping them.

I guess you don’t like my explanations

Well with this issue I’ll go deeper The Archos Gamepad detects no only 3 diferent devices, 5 devices detects are involved, (control pad and buttons one device, left analog one device, right analog one device, volume keys one device and menu back one device), this device i very tricky with this scheme, thanks Radius for the effort.

PD. Testing with Game Controller Test both analogs are detected like “joystick” (left and right), gamepad and buttons like “joy_key”, but i can´t still find out the pid/vid for each one.