Heya! @PapaShine ! I think you did a great job on those cabinet builds! I hope you don’t mind, and with your permission, I may do a couple more mock-ups based on those photos. Since I don’t have the resources to build one myself at the moment.
I am actually looking to modify that design, I wanted to add more room in the control panel as I feel it’s cramped. I also wanted to make it serviceable so you could lift it up or access it from underneath easily. I also wanted to add a section in the rear, or the bottom for a soundbar. As well as a rear ledge for any additional hardware like a computer, Pi, or power strip.
I would love to find a forum or a place where we could discuss physically building these things, as I would love to see your progress. Or get any tips or tricks for how you went about building it. Did you CNC yours or cut it by hand? I was looking at building the Upright v.3 myself. I have so many images I’ve collected over the Internet with ideas, and notes related to the conceptual build. It would be great to have a place to share it and learn from others to create the best open-source CAD files.
I was also thinking about building what I’m calling the “electronic poster version”. This would basically be a 50 inch TV hung on the wall in portrait mode, maybe with a light frame around it to house a small single-board computer. Then a wireless 2.4 GHz controller or wired one could be used. You could even place two of them side-by-side just like in your image, and if they were not playing video games they could be displaying movie posters, music posters, screensavers, or pictures of family. Basically whatever you wanted. The “electronic poster version” would exclusively use the CPO versions to really flesh out the aesthetic. I think this will be a very simplistic and inexpensive way to elegantly experience these vertical arcade games.
I think it would be great if you were able to supply your coin door! I like the Williams one that is used most for general purpose and consistency. It would be cool to be able to get rid of the Williams logo in the middle though. So if I need to bring the coin doors up it wouldn’t say Williams on every cabinet. As some control decks are quite high. It might look strange with so much blank space, so bringing the actual coin door up more into the frame I think could be a nice touch.
Keeping the torch going has really been @walter.farmacia ! As he has been consistently creating new CPO versions. I hope to create coin door versions of his in the future when time allows. Also, I wonder if he already had access to @ArsInvictus PSD files? I wonder if he could get even more ideas or tricks to add into his already fantastic work! It still blows my mind how amazing this community is.
I think what would be really cool wishlist item for personal use if the time ever allowed would be to have basically two general cabinets with a default “CPO”, one horizontal, and one vertical. Kind of like a re-purposed cabinet you might see at an arcade, so if you really wanted to play a game, you could just throw it in with the default CPO or coin door cabinet. As thanks to @ArsInvictus for sharing his PSD files. Rapidly producing marquees might be a little quicker now.
Although I am curious what AI upscaling algorithm he prefers for creating the 4K versions of the arcade artwork. As they are definitely not all equal. Some are trained on better material than others so they produce better results for our application.
So all in all, I absolutely agree that consistency is key. The CPO and coin door versions both have their strengths and places. I’m still so amazed what this community has accomplished here. I really feel strongly that this project will have an impact on the future and presentation of these classic arcade games moving forward. To me this is something that nobody knows they wanted, and I think once this project gets more attention the format could become quite popular!
Thanks again for everyone checking back in. It’s so glad to hear you all are doing well!