#reference "../../../shaders_slang/bezel/uborder/uborder-bezel-reflections.slangp"
fr_aspect_x = "1.000000"
fr_aspect_y = "0.770418"
fr_zoom = "41.656013"
fr_center_x = "0.056884"
fr_center_y = "-0.388253"
bz_ambient_enable = "1.000000"
bz_ref_str = "1.000000"
bz_inner_bezel_x = "0.113000"
bz_inner_bezel_y = "0.057000"
bz_ambient = "0.050000"
h_radius = "2.999999"
h_cornersize = "0.040000"
bz_middle_bezel_x = "0.060000"
bz_middle_bezel_y = "0.037000"
h_overscan_x = "106.999893"
h_overscan_y = "102.399963"
#reference "0-extra-horizontal-params.params"
BORDER = "../../../../overlays/Boz-MrRetrolustMod-Overlays/tmnt2po.png"
Here it is:
It’s just the $GAME$ and rotation-based slangp files (plus the png) to have it as the default for horizontal games. It respects the folder structure so it’s copy paste, if anyone’s interested.
Thanks Boz, it looks awesome!
I have an avp specific one for ya … I’ll do that next. I’m getting to 50 overlays before I update the gdrive. And awesome work m8
This is niewpixie-crt.
Yes. It just calls uborder-bezel-reflections.slangp, and I have it configured to use newpixie. But if you just download it, it will use your default (crt-nobody)
At this rate you’ll finish in 20 days. Very fast!
Can’t argue at that fella
Then I can try and get it all moved over to the shield
FOOD FIGHT (foodf.zip):
BUSTER BROS/PANG (bbros.zip):
JOUST (joust.zip)
ROBOCOP (robocop.zip):
Right i’m done for tonight…that’s gotta be nearly 50 now. (47 just counted)
When i select the 0-auto-arcade-loader.slangp it doesnt work for me i get
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: “D:\Emulation\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\uborder_packs\Boz-MrRetrolustMod-Overlays\0-auto-arcade-loader.slangp”.
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: “D:\Emulation\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\uborder_packs\Boz-MrRetrolustMod-Overlays\0-auto-arcade-loader.slangp”. Falling back to stock.
When I select one of your game slangs directly it works flawlessly.
Any idea? Do I need Mame for the auto selector to work (because I use FBNeo)? I have the latest Retroarcgh nightly and uborder shaders.
Try using RetroArch 1.19.1, use a portable version if you already have a nightly installed.
I wonder if sonkun or Hari fancies putting their stamp on these (depending on whether 4K or 1080p that is).
It’s totally possible. Though you will loose the lightweight feature of crt-nobody. Because both Hari and sonkun’s packs use guest"s under the hood, which are relatively heavy compared to nobody. It uses at least 12 shaders in a chain. So it takes like 1 to 2 seconds to load (here), not instantaneously as crt-nobody 1-shader.
Actually I knew about sonkun using guest so I don’t know why that didn’t click in my head, but Hari I wasn’t sure what he used. Yep to say nobody is a one pass I think it looks awesome!
Puyo Puyo (puyo.zip):
It’s on the link I sent earlier. You can add it to your pack.
Originally from:
Ok sweet I’ll get those last 3 done today Then I’ll get to updating stuff.
Puyo Puyo 2 (puyopuy2.zip):
Samurai Showdown V Special (samsh5sp):
Feel free to edit. It may need some tweaking for the reflections to show
I already have that samsho pre chopped in photoshop… I’ll do you that one next lol.