Hi, I’m having an error using the LRPS2 core. I start playing Castlevania - Curse of Darkness, and at the beginning of the game I start experiencing graphical errors, as seen in the screenshots. My question is if this has a solution, or since the core is relatively new to Retroarch, will it be fixed over time? Or should games with this core generally run smoothly like they do in PCSX2? Below are the screenshots and my configuration.
Maybe try a different renderer?
What GPU are you using?
My GPU is an Nvidia RTX 3070.
Did you do the required core setup, with core system files downloader?
I’d forgotten about that feature… I downloaded the files through that system, and they worked without any errors. Thank you very much.
Some screenshots work without graphic errors.
Hunter, I don’t know if it’s even possible in RA, but you guys should add a first time startup message for the core to run the system files update since the question seems to be coming up more. I’m sure it would save you some headache.