The build is from one month ago but didn’t have time to ask until now, will try to redownload and see with other games. EDIT: looks like it’s the same build - no updates.
Is bsnes_libretro comparable to higan (in accuracy)? I know there’s HD mode and all but I will disable everything except for OC. I’m not sure what CPU requiriments it would need, I bought an 4790K last year for my board, it was TOL until not very long ago.
Just in case, I post my core settings, bsnes_mercury settings might also be in there since they share the same prefix:
bsnes_aspect_ratio = "Auto"
bsnes_blur_emulation = "OFF"
bsnes_chip_hle = "LLE"
bsnes_coprocessor_delayed_sync = "ON"
bsnes_coprocessor_prefer_hle = "ON"
bsnes_cpu_fastmath = "OFF"
bsnes_cpu_overclock = "200"
bsnes_crop_overscan = "disabled"
bsnes_dsp_cubic = "ON"
bsnes_dsp_echo_shadow = "OFF"
bsnes_dsp_fast = "OFF"
bsnes_entropy = "Low"
bsnes_gamma_ramp = "disabled"
bsnes_hotfixes = "ON"
bsnes_mode7_mosaic = "OFF"
bsnes_mode7_perspective = "OFF"
bsnes_mode7_scale = "1x"
bsnes_mode7_supersample = "OFF"
bsnes_ppu_deinterlace = "ON"
bsnes_ppu_fast = "ON"
bsnes_ppu_no_sprite_limit = "ON"
bsnes_ppu_no_vram_blocking = "OFF"
bsnes_ppu_show_overscan = "OFF"
bsnes_region = "auto"
bsnes_run_ahead_frames = "OFF"
bsnes_sa1_overclock = "150"
bsnes_sfx_overclock = "200"
bsnes_sgb_bios = "SGB1.sfc"
bsnes_superfx_overclock = "100%"
bsnes_violate_accuracy = "disabled"