CRTSwitchRes is going away. New CRT options now available

CRTSwitchRes has been hard to maintain. Lots of issues keeps cropping up. So its going away. Never to return…

Well that’s the bad news out the way. Let’s move on.

Let’s look forward to a much better future. Those of you that have been on CRT emulation are all aware of Calamity’s work right? Well the good news is that full Switchres is comming to Retroarch. Oh no he didn’t!!.

Yes I have, thanks to the new SR2 API and switchres libraries. I have implimented full switchres capability. YES, Windows primary display issue is fixed.

There is still a lot to do. However, if you want to test please do. We are still in early stages so feedback is very much appreciated.

Compile for linux

Download Windows x64 binary

Please make sure you have installed CRTEmudriver or the swithres libraries for linux

More importantly,.you have added the switchres.ini to the RA folder and setup the necessary options.

Its already in a better state than CRTSwitchRes. But there is still a fair amount of functionality needing to be added.

Well now the blurb is out of the way. Check out this video running RA 1.9.2+SR2 API


dang, that interlacing switch on sonic 2 was fast :open_mouth:

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This look awesome. I’d like to test this out with my PC CRT but I’m a little lost. I’m on windows with a modern nvidia gpu, will it still work? Do I need to setup a custom resolution in windows for my CRT? Do I still turn on the “CRT Switch” in retroarch or is there a new place for that option?

Ideally windows does still require ATI graphics cards. However, switchrs does support a few other options like power strip. As long as you can get the super resolutions installed RA should be able to switch to them.

Same place for turning it on. For bet results when you don’t have an ATI card Linux is the best way.

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Big news MME4CRT SR2(Switchres) - Huge Update. Most User Issues Resolved

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Can you get a RA Log. this will help diagnose any issues.

Have you tried different video drivers, what one are you using?