Current State of Implementation - Complete TESTING REQUIRED. Just need to clean up a few things
Almost ready to ask this to be merged into RetroArch. Big things happening
Please read the readme.txt located here. Loads of testing has been done by a fantastic community. Its now time to pass this testing over to you guys.
- Proper multi-monitor support for both Windows and Linux.
- No more primary monitor issue. Resolutions will be checked on all connected devices.
- Monitor index is now functioning correctly
- Support for native, dynamic and 2560 super resolution.
- Support for 31khz standard mode (doubling)
- Support for 31KHz 120hz mode
- Switchres.ini allows you to customize you setup if the standard options donât work for you
- Only enable 15KHz and native in the RA UI as the switchres.ini configures everything.
- More UI options may be added in the future. So there is less to do in the switchres.ini
- RGUI bug. For some reason RGUI returns a resolution of 4x4@60. You will notice RGUI not fitting the screen and scaling funny when you are in super resolutions.
Linux Source - Compile and run
Windows Binary 32 and 64 bit - Download and run
@hunterk any idea on this RGUI bug where it returns a resolution of 4x4@60? This would be good to fix.