Desmume core - Mouse very erratic


I posted a similar question a few days ago but got no response. I’m posting this in a different section and worded a bit differently to hopefully better explain my problem and to get a response.

When I use the Desmume core my regular mouse pointer I normally see in Windows is still visible, but unlike when I use Desmume by itself, I’m unable to use that mouse pointer to click on things in the bottom window. Instead, there is a crosshair that moves very erratically and quickly when I barely move my mouse, making it virtually impossible to select anything with any precision.

I’ve gone into options and made sure the mouse was turned on/set and have scoured the web and the options looking for answers.

Using Desmume by itself without RetroArch isn’t an option because it isn’t working right or exiting correctly when used with HyperSpin.

If I’m going to be able to play Nintendo DS games, I just HAVE to get this working.

I’d really appreciate it very much if someone could help me figure this out.

Thanks so much,


are you sure nobody responded to that other post of yours?

I apologize. I didn’t get a notification for some reason of any new replies. I must have missed this or forgotten. Sorry.

What should I change the input driver to, though? I believe I tried this, but I’ve tried so many things I forget. I’ll be more than happy to try it again right now, though. I’ll just go ahead and try the other options and report back.



Ok, I tried them all. No difference. I tried SDL2, Raw, Dinput (default), and Null. No matter which one I picked, I still get that crosshair that is erratic and uncontrollable whereas my mouse cursor by itself doesn’t do anything but erratically control that crosshair.

Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.



I’m still having trouble with this.

I will gladly offer a bounty/payment of $25 via PayPal to anyone who can help me resolve this problem.



to be honest, there is really no need for a bounty for this issue since this is suppose to be working.

can i request you to test FCEUmm and load Duck Hunt? fceumm has support for zapper using either mouse or pointer modes. these can be changed in core options. please try that for each mode and describe how the crosshair moves in relation to where your actual pointer is… in mouse mode, the crosshair movement depends on your mouse movement, but acceleration can be different. pointer mode should have the crosshair and pointer on the same location on games viewport and moves together.

use dinput for input driver in retroarch as the “pointer” mode behaves different compared to the other drivers.

Is FCEUmm a core? You mean for testing purposes, forget about NDS, load the FCEUmm core, find a Duck Hunt rom, and test that? I just want to be clear on what you want me to do. :slight_smile: Thanks,


FCEUmm is a core for NES/Famicom games

Just press F11 if you’re in windowed mode to capture the mouse.

pressing F11 when your using pointer mode will keep resetting the cursor to the center of screen.

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If you’re using the latest desmume, you could try the “Mouse Speed” core option. It goes all the way down to 1/8 speed (0.125). 1/4 (0.25) seems to be perfect for me with my mouse DPI configured for a 4k screen. Otherwise, it zips around really quickly.

Ok, I went to the core updater to download FCEUmm but it isn’t there. So I don’t know what to do about that.

I tried a different core, though, with some good news. I was using the regular Desmume core. I downloaded and tried Desmume_Future core and there is a setting under quick menu, options, for the mouse pointer and the default is relative. I switched it to absolute and now the crosshair totally disappears and my regular mouse pointer works flawlessly.

The problem now is that core, under quick menu, options, at least (and I can’t find it anywhere else, either) doesn’t have a screen gap option and I don’t know where/how to set the screen gap.

If I could now figure that out, I’d be in business.

Thanks for everyone’s input/help and I really appreciate it. I’m almost there and I’m sure someone will have the answer. Thanks!


RE: Mouse speed proposal above…

I’m afraid I don’t see this option. Where is it? I think I have this part figured out now, but now I can’t find the screen gap option. It just isn’t there and without a screen gap, this still isn’t going to work for me…



I found yet another core, Desmume_2015, and it has a screen gap setting that goes all the way to 100 (instead of only 64 which isn’t quite enough for the regular Desmume core) but doesn’t seem to do anything. I set it all the way to 100 and there is NO screen gap at all??

Also, I don’t see the option for absolute or relative for the mouse pointer, either, so it looks like this core won’t work.

If only there were one core with both options and working screen gap, my problem would be solved.

I sure hope someone has the answer…



Well, I’ve tried everything and looked everywhere.

Desmume-Future is the only core that has the Mouse Pointer Mode option for relative (default) or absolute. I changed it to absolute and now my mouse is working correctly and there is no crosshair and it just uses the regular mouse pointer. It’s very accurate and perfect.

But…There is simply no screen gap option. I don’t know what to do. :frowning:

I will still gladly PayPal $25 to anyone who can come up with a working answer for me.



i dont even know what or who made desmume-future. i only know of the new “desmume”, and desmume_2015 which is the older desmume, eventually this would be replaced with mainstream desmume.

anyways without know how your mouse behaves in fceumm (since i was the one who added zapper support both mouse and pointer modes to that core) then i dont know whats going with your system or the pointer.

Am I not looking for FCEUmm the right way? I go to core updater and look at the index and it isn’t there??

Desmume future is working great with the mouse by changing that one setting from relative to absolute, but there is no screen gap setting.

Desmume and Desmume_2015 both have screen gap settings, but they don’t have the option to change mouse from relative to absolute. Would it be possible to add this setting/feature to one of those cores so I can have a fully working solution?

I’ll gladly up my bounty to $50 to get this done, immediately payable via PayPal when I have a working solution.



relative should be the same as mouse mode,

absolute the same as pointer mode

this should have been resolve even without $100

Pointer mode? I think I saw that and changed it between the different options, but exactly what should it be to be equal to absolute? I’ll try again. Should I use Desmume or Desmume_2015?



I agree, it should be working, but I don’t know who else or where else to post my request to get it working. It’s probably working for most people and others, like me, just haven’t spoken up or don’t know where/how to speak up. I’m just assuming, though, and you know what they say about that. :slight_smile:

BTW, I offered $50 not $100 :slight_smile: