Desmume core - Mouse very erratic

what type of mouse is that, that .125 speed is still “fast” adjust mouse acceleration from within windows mouse options, or if you have a mouse with dpi switching, try changing that too

and also, Mouse Speed only affects when using “mouse” type

It’s a Logitech MX1000 wireless laser mouse. That’s funny you mentioned that. I did turn it down in Windows just now and that is a bit better, but the problem is, and this would especially be true on fast paced games, the mouse pointer and the crosshair doesn’t line up. The crosshair is about 3" below the actual mouse pointer. It’s still too fast and you have to barely move the mouse in order to click where you want to click. It’s not really playable like this.

I don’t know what dpi switching is or if my mouse has/does that. How would I know? Also, I set the speed down from about 3/4 full speed to 1/2 speed in WIndows. I don’t want to lower it much more than that or it will be awkward to use everything else in Windows.

mouse pointer and mouse WILL NEVER be at the same place when using mouse mode (relative mode), thats why the cursor/crosshair is there!

That’s why I like touch/absolute mode so much. It just feels “right.” I understand what you’re saying, about that being why the crosshair is there, that makes sense of course. Is there anything else I can check or change or do to try to get absolute/touch mode to line up with my cursor? If only I could get that working right, it’d be perfect! But… having to “guess” where to click and having to always click somewhere around 2 to 3 inches above where I actually want to click will never work in actual game play, of course.

It’s weird, though, because on that old Desmume Future core, absolute mode works perfectly and is perfectly lined up. The only problem with that core is that there is no screen gap option. :frowning:

you running what version of windows?

Windows 10 x64 - post must be at least 20 characters it says lol.

ok wait. makign adjustments…

@jevansoh done. try how this works.

Thank you so much… I just downloaded it. I’ll try now and report back in a few minutes. BRB

Ok, now when it is set to touch it isn’t working at all. No matter where I click nothing happens. Thanks for trying, and I really appreciate it. Is there another setting or something I might be missing here? Something else I need to change?

huh thats wierd, nothing in my edit should stop the mouse from working…

It works when set to mouse instead of touch. It’s still too fast, but it does work that way. But when set to touch, it isn’t working at all now.

May I ask what you edited, just out of curiosity?

Could you try your edited version on your end with “touch” and report back if it works?

Would it be a good idea for me to send you a copy of the “future” core and maybe you could look at how the “touch” is enabled/working and copy that for me into the new Desmume core? If we could just copy that portion and leave the rest alone, since the Desmume core has a screen gap setting, I’d be all fixed up! :slight_smile:

i hate windows. everything is just slower compared to linux. anyways based on chrono cross pointer should be accurate where you are clicking, even with the latest version from online updater. not sure whats causing this issue in your setup… but probably its the resolution you are using but im not sure as i dont have 1080p+ monitor.

anyways if still interested, here is the fceumm core i wanted you to test to see if its a system issue or pointer positioning in desmume.

find Duck Hunt to test for that core. you can switch between mouse and pointer mode and crosshair wont disappear even on pointer mode, so you can see where your pointer is in relation to the crosshair.

Ok, I have Duck Hunt for NES. Will that work? I will install this core and report back. It’s for the NES right?

Ok, where is the option? I have Duck Hunt loaded… I see your zapper mode. Is that it? Under Quick Menu / options - I don’t know what to do now though…

Ok, Zapper mode = Pointer - works flawlessly…Zapper mode = Mouse - erratic too fast just like Desmume.

-does crosshair in pointer mode matches where your pointer is?