Seems to work great!
Dumped bios9.bin, bios7.bin and firmware.bin in the system folder is required and you can get the core here
Seems to work great!
Dumped bios9.bin, bios7.bin and firmware.bin in the system folder is required and you can get the core here
I asked for that!!! nice!!
The amazing bearoso have also made it possible to save/load from the firmware.dfc file from the RetroArch saves folder just like the standalone does but from the Battery folder instead.
Now you can change stuff in the firmware and it get’s saved and loaded, feels great having it just the way it’s supposed to.
There is no need for me to use the standalone anymore!
And the circle is complete, thanks man!
I tried this and while it boots into the OS menu just fine, I don’t get the startup sound and animation (this). I just see a white screen before the menu fades in. I found a youtube video of stand alone using the real BIOS and that had the startup animation. Could it be a bad BIOS/firmware or is that how it works for everyone?
Good catch!
I have never ever seen proper boot animation for the DS BIOS on either standalone or Libretro DeSmuME.
I too would really want to know how they accomplished that feat.
Here’s the video for reference:
I haven’t tested stand alone myself yet, so maybe it just doesn’t show up anymore with the latest code. Or maybe some firmware dumps have the boot animation disabled somehow.
It must be the firmware dumps, I have been using standalone DeSmuME since around 0.9.6-0.9.7 and never seen that DS BIOS boot animation, it have always taken me straight to the BIOS where you start the game.
But writing this makes me confused, guess I have to at least check 0.9.9 out that’s being used in the video you posted.
Downloaded DeSmuME 0.9.9 x64 and tested my BIOS files out and no DS BIOS boot animation was played, so it’s definitely firmware related.
Definitely 100% firmware related…
Ok, thanks for figuring that out!
Only hint I can give any of you guys is that the firmware.bin md5 checksum listed in the file is for a BAD dump that have been labeled correct for a long time.
But this is the checksums for the GOOD, PURE firmware.bin dump which shows the proper DS BIOS boot animation above!
Enabling use external bios seems to only make the core crash - am I missing something? I’ve got the right files, far as I can tell. Core info doesn’t seem updated as of yet though.
Current core info file has md5 checksum for the old and bad firmware.bin file without the proper NDS BIOS boot animation.
There is a pull-request that changes it to the the “good” with proper NDS BIOS boot animation.
MD5 for bios7.bin and bios9.bin seems to be correct.
Are you sure it’s a bad dump and not just an older/newer version of the firmware that is having issues with the emulator?
I can confirm the firmware.bin with an MD5 checksum of 145eaef5bd3037cbc247c213bb3da1b3 does play the animation correctly though.
Most dumps floating around on the Internet are so called FlashME dumps, custom firmware of sorts and that’s why the proper NDS BIOS boot animation is lacking.
145eaef5bd3037cbc247c213bb3da1b3 firmware.bin is 100% a dump of the original firmware.
e45033d9b0fa6b0de071292bba7c9d13 is 99.99% likely a FlashME dump.
If @Awakened hadn’t pointed it out with the NDS BIOS boot animation this wouldn’t have caught my attention, it’s been a good couple of years since I last booted my NDS Phat.
With the core info showing now I realized where my error was in the core crashing.
All downloads of these files have them listed as biosnds7.rom & biosnds9.rom instead of bios7.bin & bios9.bin (Emphasis on not just name, but file extension as I tried renaming prior to this discovery as well)
That fixed my crashing error immediately. I was also able to confirm with the MD5 that my firmware is the right file.
All that being said, while the core now launches with use external bios enabled, I’m still not getting this boot screen at all. I can also set boot to BIOS but it still goes straight to the game too.
I’m pretty disappointed that visiting results in a 404 error. What a lame GUI message!
It works for me and redirects to the correct site ( where I can chssoe my country and download the Health and Safety Precautions.
I must have caught during an update. My own link works for me now too. Sorry Nintendo, you’re all good!
Sounds like you still have JIT enabled in the core options? Make sure Interpreter is selected and you should be good to go!
So I switched it to the interpreter setting, and now it will boot into bios just fine.
However the boot screen won’t play before games when boot to bios is disabled
Boot screen does play when booting to bios though.