Interesting idea. Do I get it right, that you want in example mark an area of the playfield to be “custom” (like the highscores) and mirror them or cut out to another place on the screen? Like in an image editor, cutting out an area and place it somewhere else. And with a specific color to be transparent, it could be even used as an overlay in the middle of the screen.
So that is what I’m getting here and this is extremely intriguing to me. No idea how complicated this would be to implement, but if there is any chance, I am all for it too. If this was not what you meant, then well, then its my suggestion. 
Edit: Instead me making a new reply, I’ll edit here my thoughts.
This functionality would be actually modding, but for RetroArch. I especially like the idea to read out exact RAM address. RetroArch should have already such functionality builtin, as it has a Cheat system. I imagine downloadable mods for certain games or type of games or systems. Man this is wild! The potential is actually huge!
Only problem could be the different resolutions.