@Syh, Thanks!! Actually I was fed up using so many shaders in a non-optimized way. I wanted theme based shaders to put everything related together so I’m happy with both, specially grade since real analogue colors are now emulated, long journey but I learned a lot.
For the signal artifacts shader don’t count me in lol. I just want some s-video kind of distortion, and then I’ll use a small convolution for RGB games and my ntsc signal for s-video games to get blurriness right.
I have also very present the New Super VI mode shader, I have been reading and testing for the last few days, I really want to get rid of polygon jaggies in a raster manner.
I recalled what I wanted to say, if you don’t have a calibrated display with an instrument one of the best things you can do is what we have been doing already, green to blue, blue to green, and there’s also some blue to red. This kind of thing removes the purity of colors and hence it’s saturation. With the matrix transform now I can set those to zero and the image will look good.