There’s one in the Sys directory indeed, but it’s the one that stores all “default” settings made by Dolphin devs for each game to work - ideally, this should not be modified (and should be updated frequently).
Standalone dolphin uses the .ini files in Dolphin/sys/gamesettings for every game.
.ini files in Dolphin/user/gamesettings are the ones created by users, and are loaded on top.
So, in standalone, both folders coexists and works together.
@thingsiplay : If I understand correctly, you modified the default .ini files in Dolphin/sys/gamesettings directory, right ?
This should work, but it misses the point of the folder dedicated for the users settings.
Anyway, I’ve tried messing around a bit more, but still can’t load the ones in Dolphin/user/gamesettings .
EDIT : Okay, I figured that out.
I knew that but forgot about it : Dolphin’s Core is not up to date with current Dolphin’s Standalone version.
Which means, various things have changed, including the syntax used for the games .ini. (See the reference guide)
If you created your games custom configurations with the current guide version, chances are that a lot of your settings will not work 'cause the syntax has changed over the various updates.
For example :
Current standalone syntax :
ForceTextureFiltering = 0
(required for Mario Party 4, or Resident Evil 2 & 3 to avoid artifacts on textures)
Dolphin’s core syntax :
This explains why I thought my configurations were not applied when I tried… The core doesn’t understand the new syntax.
Well, no workaround for this, except adding deprecated lines to the config files, or directly using what is available from the core’s options.
I’ll wait for some updates, I had very good results with the core so far.