
This core is amazing, it’s blazing fast! But it’s missing support for .m3u. Or how are you guys changing discs?

You should post a feature request at, there is no guarantee the author is browsing libretro forums.

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The normal “disk append” stuff should still work. M3u playlists shouldn’t be necessary, they just make it a little easier/faster.


Hold on… There is no Disc Control menu for DuckStation

oh shucks, didn’t realize that. Oh well, guess you’re stuck renaming savefiles for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Sent a request also. What a shame such a good running Emu and I Can’t get to the blast furnace in MGS1. Bet that molten metal looks amazing in 3x res.

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Heads up! It was implemented and it’s in the buildbot already :slight_smile: