Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

ZX Spectrum Alt presets are refered to this old design now? And the Alt presets doesn’t seem to be working, btw. Fails to load, all the Alt presets.

There is a problem with the shaders that are set with some Playstation games.

The problem is [Aspect-Ratio] Orientation being set to Auto.

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The solution is to set [Aspect-Ratio] Orientation to Horizontal.


It was my intention to eliminate the alt presets. I must have missed some.


They must be using a strange aspect. I can add this to my presets but if you provide a debug shot, maybe @HyperspaceMadness wants to try and catch it.


I knew I had seen this exact problem before. HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates it does have something to do with the odd aspect ratio of the game :slight_smile:


If anyone would like me to include the old layout as an alt, speak up, I can update the keys and do so.:grin:


I use the DuckStation core and the solution to it would be to change the ratio from Auto to 4:3 under Options. I honestly have no clue how to debug RetroArch unless you mean using the log file.


Hi, the debug he’s talking about is the second parameter in the shader parameter list which is show resolution debug which will print a bunch of info on the screen about what resolution and scaling is used.

Edit: The interwebs say that it runs at 384x480, I can add this resolution to the list of special resolutions that are technically vertical but should be displayed horizontal, and also at 4:3


The Image states 365x448.


Figured why not add Driver as well since it has the same problem and a different resolution.


Thanks for these, this helps a lot to see what resolutions these games are running :slight_smile:


Your welcome it actually helps all of us in a circular way. Somebody provides the problem while the creator/editor fixes it for everyone.


@Duimon Are you going to create a shader for Famicom Disk System? Just checking cause I am actually using a makeshift one at the moment. Smashed OrionsAngel overlay into your shader/bezel.

Edit: Add customized overlay. Just showing it wasn’t just a simple add file to Graphics folder and edit shader file.


I vote for ‘Yes’, please :star_struck:

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Yeah It will probably use a vertical view of the Famicom and the floppy, in the vein of my PC98.


Sounds good. Can’t wait to play Zelda with it.

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My PDP-1 Spacewar! preset has been fixed and updated! :exploding_head:

(There is a Readme in both the graphic and presets folders.)

Please do give it a try, it is a very special game.

For those who may not be aware… the PDP-1 was a very significant computer.

From Wikipedia…

The PDP-1 ( Programmed Data Processor-1 ) is the first computer in Digital Equipment Corporation’s PDP series and was first produced in 1959. It is famous for being the computer most important in the creation of hacker culture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BBN and elsewhere. The PDP-1 is the original hardware for playing history’s first game on a minicomputer, Steve Russell’s Spacewar!

From @Duimon

What is even more significant than starting the first group of “Hackers” or running the first video game, is what came after.

The desire to monetize the video game led to R&D on smaller computers, (The PDP-1 was about the size of a commercial two door freezer, and about 5 times as deep.) which led directly to arcade games, and eventually to home computers. It is probable that the research would have happened eventually, but even the development of Integrated Circuitry would have happened much later.

(You can mention that when people nag you about your retro obsession. :wink:)


Failed to apply shader preset: PDP1-[ADV]-[Guest].slangp :frowning:

all shaders from PDP-1 are working the one shader from PDP-1_Spacewar! gives the error above… did a git pull and got latest files … any idea ? thank you


Please take the time to post a log in these situations. It will save me a lot of time. :grin:

There was a typo in the ADV. It is fixed.

Remember that the Spacewar! preset is only for the MAME Spacewar! ROM, It will do very funny things to any other content. :crazy_face: