Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates


This thread is to provide a place for announcements and feedback about the graphics I am creating for HyperspaceMadness’ Mega Bezel Reflection Shader.

The shader feedback and announcement page is at:

HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Links to the works of esteemed members of this community:

Akuma22 - Mega Bezel Arcade Mame and Systems Presets

Orionsangel - Realistic Arcade Bezels and Console Themed Overlays

** (EmuMovies link to all of Orionsangel’s packs.) **

SOQUEROEU - Mega Bezel TV Backgrounds

TheNamec - Mega Bezel COMMODORE Pack

Overlay versions of all my graphics are available in their own repo.


My legacy presets are available in their own repo.



Duimon Vintage TV Graphics and Presets

I have started a new vintage TV project that will be released independent from my main project.

The new repo is here, and the release zip here.

I have created a GitHub Pages site to host screenshot galleries of my presets and various guides.


It is a WIP.

The social media icons include a YouTube link to some videos of my presets in action.

The YouTube channel is another WIP.


I have started including guides with my main release. They can be viewed online in my repo, or offline with this excellent viewer.

Markdown Viewer

I have many more guides in the works. I would greatly appreciate constructive feedback if you think they can be improved.

Overlay Hybrid Presets

I have created a guide that shows how to use the “Screen Only” base preset and my “Standard” presets, together with my overlays. This yields all the feature benefits of the Standard presets (Sans reflection.) with performance close to the Potato presets. The guide can be found here.

The Bezel Project Overlay Presets

I have released a complete set of presets to automatically load The Bezel Project overlays as Mega Bezel backgrounds.

They are available in a new repo, and release zip.

Be sure to read the included README for installation instructions.

BigPEmu Repo

I have created a “Duimon-BigPEmu” repo and release containing pre-compiled/converted Mega Bezel presets for the BigPEmu standalone emulator.

I have included all five of my default Atari Jaguar preset subclasses. In addition, I have included source presets, the converter, some batch files, and a short README to assist users in customizing the CRT parameters to their liking.

The new repo can be found here, and the release here.

Orionsangles Original Console Presets

I have been given the privilege of creating Mega Bezel presets using @Orionsangel’s original console overlays.

This collection of overlays provided the inspiration to start my project and this thread. It is fair to say that without his incredible work, my work would not exist.

The repo can be found here, and the release here.

Ultrawide Potato Presets Packs.

I have created a repo with Potato presets that use a 21x9 aspect ratio. The entire cast of characters are present.

The repo can be found here, the newest release here.

Other custom aspect ultrawide packs (When available.) will also be linked above.

Downloading the Duimon-Mega-Bezel pack.

My graphics and presets can be individually downloaded via My GitHub repo.

The entire package can be installed using the latest release zip. (Approx. 754 MB)

The Potato are now a separate release. (Approx. 1.28 GB)

I will be removing the zip release of old releases. The source link will still yield the relevant version but some folder renaming will be needed.

The following post will be edited to reflect updates to my graphics.

The “Installation” section near the end of the post has path information for using the release and detailed instructions for installing or updating using git.

Akuma22 Mega Bezel Arcade Mame and Systems Presets
My Realistic Arcade Bezels
Handheld Border Shaders
Console & Game Themed Bezels
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
EmulationStation Carbon theme Controller art
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
CRT Squabblin'
CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs
[Guide] Play Non-Arcade systems with MAME or MESS
I made a 4K GBA overlay for retroarch
CG Shaders gone/not working on v1.9.1
Core and Feature Requests
Shader for dark-ish tint of gbc screen backgroud
I need a overlay
P3st´s Overlays for Mega Bezel Shader (Arcade,TV´s ,and more)
FM-Towns in RetroArch
CRT shader for Steam Deck (and possibly low res display)
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
How do I force 16:9 on a 32:9 monitor for retroarch?
CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Hgoda90 - Duimon Custom Colors
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
I need simple help
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Shaders Error?
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates
Aide pour redimentionner la fenêtre de retroarche pour les overlays

* * Important * *

As of my v1.1.0.5 release, the presets will require RetroArch 1.15.0 , and Mega Bezel V1.12.0_2023-03-11 or later.

The new presets are not compatible with the legacy presets. You will have to do a complete update or continue using the legacy.

The legacy are provided to ease the transition but will no longer be maintained.

The shader is out of beta and available via slang shader update within Retroarch.

The current version is V1.17.1_2024-04-14 and can be found following the first link in this thread. My presets will work with older versions but a few things may not work correctly. I highly recommend updating to the current version.

!! My repo has been restructured as of Mega Bezel v0.9.00 2021-04-04 !!

The release of Retroarch 1.9.1 contains a new “Simple Presets” feature. This makes updates to the shader much less likely to break existing presets.

As of Mega Bezel v0.9.00 2021-04-04 I have restructured my repo and shifted focus to give equal priority to presets for my graphics. The restructure also makes it possible to install all my graphics and presets using Git.

Please refer to the last section of this post for more information.

Currently there are 163 cores/systems represented:

  • Acorn Archimedes (MAME)
  • Acorn Atom (MAME)
  • Acorn Electron (MAME)
  • Amiga 500 Plus
  • Amstrad CPC 464 + 6128 Alternate
  • Amstrad GX4000
  • Apple II (MAME)
  • Apple IIe (MAME)
  • Apple IIgs (MAME)
  • Apple IIgs Woz Edition (MAME)
  • Apple Macintosh 128k (MAME)
  • Apple Macintosh IIx + 1 Alternate (MAME)
  • Apple Macintosh LC III + 1 Alternate (MAME)
  • Apple Macintosh Plus (MAME)
  • Arduboy
  • Arcade
  • Atari 2600
  • Atari 5200
  • Atari 7800
  • Atari 800
  • Atari Jaguar + 1 Alternate
  • Atari Lynx + 1 Alternate
  • Atari ST
  • Atari XE
  • Atari XEGS
  • Bandai WonderSwan
  • Bandai WonderSwan Color
  • BBC Master (MAME)
  • BBC Micro Model B (MAME)
  • Bit Core Gamate (MAME)
  • Camputers Lynx 48 + 96 and 128 Alternates (MAME)
  • CannonBall
  • Casio PV-1000 (MAME)
  • Cave Story (NXEngine)
  • ChaiLove
  • CHIP-8
  • Coleco Adam
  • ColecoVision
  • Commodore 64C
  • DEC PDP-1 Spacewar! (MAME)
  • Dinothawr
  • Doom (PrBoom)
  • Doom 3 (boom3)
  • DOSBox + 1 Alternate
  • EasyRPG
  • ECWolf
  • Elektronika BK-0010
  • Emerson Arcadia 2001 (MAME)
  • Enterprise 128k
  • Entex Adventure Vision (MAME)
  • Epoch/Yeno Super Cassette Vision (MAME)
  • Fairchild Channel F
  • FB-Neo
  • FFMPEG & Generic TVs (5 Versions) + 2 PVMs + Generic DEC PDP-1
  • Flashback (REminiscence)
  • Fujitsu FM Towns II (MAME)
  • Fujitsu FM-7 (MAME)
  • Funtech Super A’can (MAME)
  • Gamepark GP32 (MAME)
  • GCE Vectrex
  • Hartung Gamemaster (MAME)
  • IBM 5160 (5151 & 5153 Monitors) (MAME/DOSBox)
  • Infocom Z-Machine (MojoZork)
  • Interton Electronic VC 4000 (MAME)
  • JAKKS Plug-n-Play
  • Jump 'n Bump
  • KenSingTon Vii (MAME)
  • LowRes NX
  • Magnavox Odyssey 2 + Philips Videopac G7000 Alternate
  • MAME
  • Mattel Intellivision
  • Mega Duck
  • Mine Craft (Craft)
  • Bomberman (Mr.Boom)
  • MSX
  • MSX2
  • NEC PC-8801
  • NEC PC-9801
  • NEC PC Engine
  • NEC PC Engine CD
  • NEC SuperGrafx + 1 Alternate
  • NEC TurboExpress
  • NEC TurboGrafx-16
  • NEC TurboGrafx CD + 1 Alternate
  • Neo Geo CD
  • Neo Geo AES
  • Neo Geo Pocket
  • Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo Famicom
  • Nintendo Game Boy
  • Nintendo Game Boy 2 Player (TGB Dual)
  • Nintendo Game Boy DMG-01
  • Nintendo Game Boy Color
  • Nintendo Game Boy Color 2 Player (TGB Dual)
  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance
  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP
  • Nintendo GameCube
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo NES + 1 Alternate
  • Nintendo Pokemon Mini
  • Nintendo Playstation Prototype (For MSU-1 games.)
  • Nintendo SNES
  • Nintendo Super Famicom + Euro SNES Alternate
  • Nintendo Super Game Boy + 1 Alternate
  • Nintendo Virtual Boy
  • Nintendo Wii 4x3/16x9 + Black Edition Alt
  • Olivetti M21 8086 (MAME/DOSBox)
  • Palm m515
  • Panasonic 3DO
  • Philips CD-i (MAME)
  • PICO-8
  • Pocket Dream Console (MAME)
  • Quake (TyrQuake)
  • Quake II (vitaQuake 2)
  • Quake III (vitaQuake 3)
  • Rick Dangerous (XRick)
  • ScummVM
  • SEGA 32X + Mega Drive Alternate
  • SEGA CD + Mega Drive Alternate
  • SEGA CD/32X Combo + Mega Drive Alternate
  • SEGA Dreamcast + 1 Alternate
  • Dreamcast VMU
  • SEGA Game Gear
  • SEGA Genesis + Mega Drive Alternate
  • SEGA MarkIII
  • SEGA Master System + 1 Alternate
  • SEGA Naomi
  • SEGA Nomad
  • SEGA Pico
  • SEGA Saturn + Model 2 Alternate
  • SEGA SG-1000 + 1 Alternate
  • Sharp X1 + 1 Alternate
  • Sharp x68000 + 1 Alternate
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2a
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3
  • Sinclair ZX81
  • SONY Playstation + 1 Alternate
  • SONY Playstation 2
  • SONY PSone Portable
  • Super Bros War
  • Tandy CoCo 3 (MAME)
  • Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (MAME)
  • Thomson M05
  • Thomson T08
  • TIC-80
  • Tiger game .com (MAME)
  • Tomb Raider (OpenLara)
  • Tomy Tutor (MAME)
  • uzebox
  • VaporSpec
  • Videoton TVC
  • VTech CreatiVision (MAME)
  • VTech Laser 310 (MAME)
  • VTech Socrates (MAME)
  • VTech V.Smile (MAME)
  • WASM-4
  • Watara Supervision

I plan to (eventually) include a graphic for every hardware platform emulated by Retroarch cores. I started with over 90 systems on the list. It has grown to ~160. (It is fluid as new cores are added in RA and SL support is expanded in MAME.)

The current to do list reads:

As of 2022-10-25 My project is at v1.0.0.0 and essentially complete.

As new RA cores are added I will do graphics for them.

The following is a new list, all of which I consider optional systems. After I take a break from new graphics to accomplish other related tasks, I will make a plan for the future.

RA Cores

  • 64DD
  • Amiga 1000
  • Amiga 2000
  • Amiga 4000T
  • fds
  • MSX 2+
  • MSX Turbo R
  • NEC TurboDuo
  • Satallaview
  • Sharp C1 (Famicom Alternate)
  • Sharp 14G-SF1 (Super Famicom Alternate)

MAME Software Lists

  • APF M1000/Imagination Machine
  • Bandai RX-78 Gundam
  • Bandai Super NoteClub
  • Bandai Super Vision 8000
  • Casio PV-2000
  • Epoch Game Pocket Computer
  • IBM PCjr
  • M&D Monon Color
  • Mattel Aquarius
  • Nintendo Family Basic
  • NEC PC-6001
  • PDP VG Pocket (Max)
  • Phillips VG-5000
  • RCA Studio II
  • Sharp MZ-2500
  • Sord M5
  • Timetop Gameking
  • Ultimate Products Zone

Thanks to everyone for the feedback and requests over the last three years! Your input means a great deal to me!

For those of you new to this project, some screenshots:

As stated on my GitHub page I have a few select goals.

  • All art will be vector based.
  • If raster effects are used at any point they will be 300dpi. This may include text layer imports from Photoshop.
  • Backgrounds, for graphics that don’t fill the screen, may be raster images, with the intent that users can swap in a background of their choosing.
  • High quality is a must! When using existing art as a reference, it will be paired with photographic references in an effort to improve it’s realism and give it a cohesive style.
  • Final raster output of 4K at 300dpi

Duimon Mega Bezel Graphics Presets

My current presets use HSM’s Advanced, Standard, Lite, and Potato Mega Bezel base presets, and the GUEST-DrVENOM and LCD-GRID shader derivatives.

The Mega Bezel is in active development. As features emerge I may update the presets to use the new features.

PC requirements are directly related to the feature set of the base presets with the first on the list having the highest requirements.

  1. Advanced (Full feature set.)
  2. Standard (Modest feature set.)
  3. Lite (Modest feature set and a lighter CRT shader.)
  4. Potato (Slim feature set and no reflection.)

DREZ Presets

DREZ presets downsample extremely high resolution output to a resolution set in the base shader.

This allows the user to run the Mega Bezel with internal resolution scale at higher levels, while staying within the limits of the contemporary GPU memory buffer.

It also gives much better performance, while reducing jagged polygonal edges through downsampling.

The presets are not a replacement for built in downsampling, which is preferred, but an implementation for cores that lack this feature.

There are various presets, the intention varies with the final resolution:

  • 1080p = higher scale without the concern for visible masks or scanlines. Ideally you would scale the internal resolution to approximately 1080.
  • 480p = for native resolution on later generation consoles.
  • 240p = for native resolution on earlier consoles, or when personal preference is for distinct scanlines and masks.
  • HD = high resolution on LCD screen consoles. (Guest base preset.)
  • Native = native resolution on LCD consoles.

You should be able to use a standard CRT console core with the ADV preset, at max internal scale.

The HD screen presets are limited to the STD set since the increased resolution on smaller screens makes ADV features irrelevant.

There are no Lite presets since if you have a system beefy enough to run the Mega Bezel, with hardware rendered cores, at increased internal resolution, you obviously don’t need Lite presets.

There are also no Potato presets for the same reason.

The DREZ presets can be found in their own folders…

  • Nintendo_3DS_DREZ
  • Nintendo_Gamecube_DREZ
  • Nintendo_N64_DREZ
  • Nintendo_NDS_DREZ
  • Nintendo_Wii_DREZ
  • SEGA_Dreamcast_DREZ
  • SEGA_Saturn_DREZ
  • SONY_Playstation_2_DREZ
  • SONY_Playstation_DREZ


The Mega Bezel Community is a collaboration between a growing number of artists and the shader developer.

We have agreed, in an effort to create cohesion among our various projects, to intend our works reside in a “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder. (Within the RA shader folder.) This keeps the shader folder tidy while still allowing for a relatively short browse to the artists presets.

For cross-platform compatibility, the “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder is now required. All the paths are now relative.

Mega Bezel

Just a note that the Mega Bezel is not bundled with my pack. It will need to be installed first using the instructions on the Mega Bezel thread.

Installation using the release zip

Going forward, the Potato graphics and presets are a separate repo/release. The following instructions apply, just substitute Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato for Duimon-Mega-Bezel.

The folder structure is…


An example presets folder and contents is…


Some Retroarch installations (Linux) have the “shaders” folder outside of the root Retroarch folder. The preset paths are relative so the “shaders” folder can be anywhere (On any drive/mount.) as long as the correct shader path is defined in the Retroarch settings.

Unpack the release zip and move the newly extracted “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder to “shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs”. Create the “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder first if one does not exist.

To update, delete the “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder and repeat the previous steps. (If files were renamed in an update it could leave unneeded files or broken presets.)

A note on paths and folder names. The paths in the presets are relative. (i.e. ../../../../../shaders_slang

You may have a very valid reason to use different folder names. It is the folder depth that is important. For example your paths could be…


…and it would still work. :grin:

If this explanation makes your brain hurt, just use the Mega_Bezel_Packs folder name and try not to think about it too much. :wink:

(Keep in mind that other packs may not share the same freedom concerning folder names.)

The following git method will yield the “Mega_Bezel_Packs/Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder structure.

Installation using git

You can install everything to a local clone and update using the following method.

This is the preferred method for installing and updating my pack. With the development of user customizable boilerplate presets, unless a “pull --force” command line switch is used, user changes should be preserved.

  1. Install Git. https://git-scm.com/downloads using the default settings.
  2. Enter the “/Retroarch/shaders” folder and create a “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder if one does not exist.
  3. Enter the “Retroarch/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder and from the command-line run:
git clone https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel

The second command will not download any older commit data. (To save bandwidth and space.)

Both will create a “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder inside the “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder.

To update, go into the “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder (note the path difference) and run

git pull

Thanks @drstupid for the method.

Load your content and then a preset. I recommend creating a core preset next.

Since RA 1.9.1 and the Mega Bezel shader v0.9.00 release, you need to have “Simple Presets” enabled when saving a preset. This will save only changes you make and a reference to the currently loaded preset. This will stop your preset from breaking as I update my presets and HSM updates the shader.

If you are using a multiple system core, and using it for multiple systems, I recommend creating a content directory preset.

I hope this makes it easier on some who have had a tough time getting up and running. I also recommend starting with a clean install of RetroArch and following the installation instructions from HSM’s shader thread.


this is going to be fantastic


It looks awesome, I can’t wait for more overlays !


I liked the blue mame ones you did behind the perforations, any chance of releasing those? :slight_smile:

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Sad thing that. :frowning_face:

I did my best to do a vector version and somehow the originals got lost in the shuffle. I did a new 4K hybrid, (Exported vector layers and did effects in Photoshop)

You will find them in a new repo I made that will hold misc stuff I have done (Mostly for my HTPC projects and mostly 1080)

new repo = “Misc-Overlays-Borders-Bezels”

I hope they meet your approval. :blush:

I purposefully left them out of the HSM Graphics repo because I have something new and fun in mind for MAME.


well call me entrigued

Here’s a new one…

Nintendo Gamecube! :grin:

I had to make a couple of odd design choices to keep within the mission statement. I hope you like it.


Now for the feedback part.

I am not in love with the other parts of the Gamecube case showing at the top and bottom. ( I thought I would like it, but I’m torn) Please let me know what you think of this version where they are removed.

They add more detail but…


Yeah I think I like it better with them removed.

Perhaps some darkened edge shading on the bottom to mirror the highlight on the top would be good.

image I am getting thousands of these errors at script 2.cmd

also my bezels are flipped horizontally lol :joy:

removed gets my vote for sure, it looks like a mistake in the art.

It is there, but I am using a screen blending mode on the stroke, so it disappears. I have an Idea that may bring it back and make it pop a little.

Thanks for the feedback!

Well. Apparently even though I moved the convert.exe to the batch folder, ImageMagick still needs to be installed on the system. I will update the readme. I should probably update the batch scripts to use the default path in case someone already has IM installed and it is incompatible

That is a problem with the core you are using, try a different core. If you must, I think you could batch flip everything using xnconvert form the xnview software.

edit: scripts, readme, and repo have been updated.

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Nothing could be done about the shading at the bottom, since it was at the very edge it just had the effect of cropping the art by one or two pixels. I agree that the image needed balancing so, even though it makes no sense from a “reality” perspective, I just did some shading and mirrored the top line.

I tend to think “para-metrically” when I design, and I need to remind myself that these aren’t 3D models, they are representations.

Here we are.

As an alternative solution, (One I think I prefer) I have removed the top line.

If I am approaching anything like a “signature style” I think it may be my use of these highlights for beveling. It gives realism but not too much depth. I think enough remain in this graphic to retain my style.

edit: I am committing to the last edit. I think I will leave the other objects in the source project file in case someone wants to have fun with them later. :upside_down_face:

Thanks again for the feedback!


i feel like a real pita lol. none of the imagemagick packs i have installed have a convert.exe :frowning:

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i like the border TV in silver you have in png? wihout image

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I have updated repo, it now includes both the EXE and the needed DLL file. Let me know if it works.

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That is good then. :grin: It is the default bezel generated by the HSM Shader

using simply a 70% brightness color value.

nah still no luck :frowning: even though the .dll is in the folder it says it cant find it. ps, if i press ok on the error it says it cant find another .dll, keeps doing it again after that countless times, so i guess there is more than the one .dll it needs

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