Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Awesome, I’ll definitely have a look at that, they look really cool.

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Great to know it’s on the list for a fix, I thought it was a problem on my end.

Thanks again for this fine work, this shader alone has lead me to play more and finish many games I had pending from my childhood :heart:


I’m having this issue with gba shader, any help?

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Looks like your screen is wider than 16x9. At present there are no off screen elements to fill in the space on wider screens. You can turn on the “Mirrored” parameter for the Device layer… or zoom in using “Veiwport Zoom” until the space is filled.

Eventually I will update the handhelds that are cut off but there is no ETA. Probably later than sooner. :frowning_face:

I am having trouble with the default Nintendo Gameboy setup. It seems to be pulling from famicom files instead of gameboy.

res\layers\Nintendo_Game_Boy\bezel.params has the following which doesn’t seem right and may be the cause? // IMAGE PATHS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TubeColoredGelImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/SuperGBA/SuperGB_Gel.png” BackgroundImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/Nintendo_Super_Famicom/Super_Famicom.png”


Welcome to the forum!

This may have been better asked over in my thread…

Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

…but I can answer here as well. :grin:

This is not the “default” Gamboy setup. It is an attempt to simulate running Gameboy games on a TV/CRT via the Super Gameboy addon for the SNES/Super Famicam.

The screenshot looks exactly as I intended. :innocent:

The default Gameboy is the preset that has LCD-GRID in the name. (e.g. Gameboy-[STD]-[LCD-GRID])

Although my personal preference is the Gameboy_DMG01-[STD]-[LCD-GRID]-[Night] preset.


Hi all, this may have been covered but I cannot find an answer. On some of the shaders there is a large grey screen bezel, I’ve been through the shader preferences and cannot seem to find the correct preference to remove this. Is removing this bezel/border possible? As I like to create my own overlays and sometimes this grey TV-like bezel interferes with them. Cheers in advance.

Have you read the first post or the

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Thank you so much. This makes sense. However, what do I change the image to if I want it blank and where is this image loaded from? Many thanks

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If you are looking to remove the bezel you can simply use the Screen Only presets.

IMO most overlays have some kind of bezel, so unless you are using a set like The Bezel Project etc, that already have one… you would be better off just changing the bezel height and width, and frame thickness to something more suited to your taste.

Perhaps you could post a sample of an overlay you have created and we could lead you in the right direction.

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Thank you for the advice. Is there anyway I can use the screen only presets but with the reflections? No matter what I alter in the shader preferences under frame or bezel the frame in the standard presets cannot be altered. I’m assuming this is an image file I need to remove? Cheers

You can create your own overlay refer to it in the Background = line.

Then there are many parameters that you can use to customize the look of the frame to suit your preference.

Read the in the GitHub for detailed explanations of each of the parameters.

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The only way that this could be true is if you are using the “Potato” presets. I understand your excitement, and that you are new to the shader, but if you take great care you will achieve what you want.

Take it slow… we have no deadline to meet. :grin:

To be clear. The settings you want are available. (Along with parameters for things you have never dreamed of.)

We just need to spend some time teaching you the ropes. The has a breakdown of the base preset classes. (ADV, STD, Potato, etc.) If you spend some quality time with the info you should be better off.


Thanks all, will continue to research and try some bits and bobs.


If you take a look in the variations folder under the presets folder there is a reflection-only preset which may do what you are looking for


Hi everyone, i have a little question. Sometimes i play on my CRT and so i don’t use the shader, but i still want to use the “crop function” of the shader. Is there a way to create a shader with just the “crop function” (for better performance and better loading shader time) ?

i already try an another shader who do this, “image-adjustment” shader , but it give me an ugly result when i use the crop function.

@HyperspaceMadness do u think it’s possible ? Thank you again for your awesome work :pray:

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Wouldn’t be better to fix a shader instead of writing a new one that does the same?

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Sorry, what do you mean ? fix “image-adjustement” shader ? i dont think it’s broken, it just dont crop the same way as the @HyperspaceMadness shader i think. It add some distortion when you stretch, like if you stretch the image by “tiles”, but HSM stretch the image perfectly.

I’m not a developper, so if u tell me that is not simple to just keep a function of a shader, i ll trust you. At least how can i disable all the features of HSM but “crop”. Cause i can disable the grade color and some feature, but i cant totally disable the scanline effect.

Sorry if i’m not clear, english is not my mother tongue.

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Ok, screw that, the quoted text led me to think the shader wasn’t working as intended.

If you think it is working as it should, then no need to fix anything.

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Not sure about that but you could use the Potato preset, with a transparent background.

I copied the “\shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\shaders\textures\Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png” to the “/shaders” folder and renamed it “cropping.png”.

Then I created this preset.


#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__PASSTHROUGH.slangp"

BackgroundImage = "cropping.png"
BackgroundVertImage = "cropping.png"

It simply uses a “Full” aspect ratio and no curvature.

I tested it and it works for cropping as expected. Should work fine on a CRT using “Full” aspect in the scaling settings of RA.

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