Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Where can I find the Akuma22 manufacturer specific bezels? They’re on page 1469 for instance.


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You’ll have to contact @akuma22 about that

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Here is a new WIP.

The Bit Corp Gamate!

The layers are separate so the alternate version can be achieved via HSV parameters.

I will probably do presets of both versions.

I decided to do this one before the Enterprise 128, because I assumed it would be easy. I was not entirely correct in my assumption. :grin:

I also wanted to get any single graphic done so my remaining essential list is down to an even 10 items. :partying_face:


The Gamate is in the repo. Time to start the countdown.

10 to go. :grin:


@Wally Here is a very beginning WIP on the Enterprise 128.

You may be correct, this is going to be very fun! :innocent:


@Duimon and @HyperspaceMadness, I wanted to shoutout to ya both, because I did a thing tonight. I created a video and put on Youtube that is for a Genesis Mini playlist I use in Launchbox’s BigBox mode. It shows the commercial Sega made for it, running through RA with the Mega Bezel and one of Duimon’s TV graphics! Came out really nice I think!


Here is a quick update on the Enterprise WIP.

I will be spending the next couple of days doing some preset maintenance, the new ambient lighting features will need some tweaking here and there.

The ambient lighting is one of the most popular Mega Bezel features. As cool as it has always been, I think this new evolution is a game changer. I plan to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be.


This may be fairly quick work. The care that HSM, “The Mighty Shader Wizard” gave to the new lighting features is mind blowing.

Here is a shot of the Apple II with no changes made to the existing preset.

Just beautiful!!


Yeah, I didn’t change the lighting to mine. The ambient lighting looks better some how.


My GB2Player and GBC2Player presets are seriously broken. :frowning_face:

I was using some unnecessarily complicated Mega Bezel magic to make them work and I am totally over it. I am going back into the source to simplify things.


OK, the surgery on the pair went well. Hopefully I can catch a few more bugs during this deep dive.


One of my inspirations for the new Night Image strategy (@HyperspaceMadness’s implementation went far above and beyond my simple idea.) was @soqueroeu’s collection.

A ways back I came up with a crude new night image that would highlight more of the TV in the center of the graphic. (I put a bit more care into the creation of the new image.)

While his current performance based presets won’t benefit from the new lighting, maybe we can convince him to change things up in version 3.0. :grin:

Here is a shot of my standalone TM20 with the new lighting.


Yeah, @soqueroeu’s presets are using the STD base preset, so they have access to the new lighting feature, but you wouldn’t really be able to see it because the TV in the picture is integrated with the background. He would need to separate the TV image from the background to be able to see different lighting on it. Version 3.0? :innocent:


Preset maintenance is going well. :smile:

Thought I’d do some more work on the Enterprise.

There are a lot of cool details on this thing! (Although most will be hidden on a 16x9 display.) :frowning_face:

I’m going to take a stab at the joystick next. :innocent:


How’s this?

I’m fairly close to adding characters to the keys. This is the first system I’ve done where the font is Roman instead of Sans. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just a little test run to see how it looks live.

My plan was to work in a bit higher grayscale range to give myself some gamut wiggle room, then adjust the brightness, gamma, and saturation in the shader.

I think I am happy with the result.




It’s getting there. :grin:

You gotta love vector art. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: After I posted the last shot I noticed that the keys weren’t centered. I moved them and resized the joystick to compensate.

What took seconds in Illustrator may have been impossible in raster.


OCD is a curse and a blessing. :innocent:

I went in and decreased every gray level by 5%. Then I increased every corner radii of the keycap protrusions by 3px.

These kind of deep OCD dives would be impossible using raster. :grin:


If I was a pharmaceutical poison snake seller I’d suggest you purchase one of the following toxic chemical substances for your OCD : Clomipramine (Anafranil), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), Sertraline (Zoloft).

Since I’m not a poison peddler, I think what you call OCD is what 99.99% of us here would call creative perfectionism. And that is always a blessing. Both to you and to this community. :pray: