Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates


Whoa. Couple of things. Did you make that shader yourself? It seems based on Duimon’s arcade cabinet slangp, except I don’t recall a CPS 1 specific one. Do you have similar ones for CPS 2, 3 etc…?

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Let’s all settle down a bit. Take a look at my license before you get carried away.

I’m open to giving someone permission, as I gave @akuma22, but they need to have a chat with me first.

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Good night, I edited these just for myself, I don’t post anything. I just posted it here to show how it looks.

I used it with the Zomb shader preset. Then I posted it here but I’m not the author. I respect the work of all of you here. Cyber, HSM, Duimon, Orions… When I post the video I always leave the link of all of you here.

If you would like to do something for distribution, it looks cool. We could chat about it in private.

I have some Photoshop templates I could provide to make it quick work.

I just wish you could do some Overlays like this with companies. But I don’t know anything about Photoshop, just for basic use. I’ve seen the Akuma22 edits. I edited these Overlays just because of my brother. He has the ReteoArch separated by companies so I’m just kidding here. But I admire the work you all do.

This Overlay is authored by Duimon, I got it from his repository. I just edited. The shader render is from Zomb. Duimon, I ask you to make some like this. SNK, Midway, Konami… It would be nice with your creativity and talent. :brazil:

Duimon, does Akuma22 have a repository?

No, he never go that far.

The problem with going down the arcade rabbit hole is that it starts with companies, and then never ends. There are literally thousands of arcade games.

I wouldn’t be against collaborating with an artist willing to do the work. Like I said, I have some templates, and some tricks I could share.


the whole overlay thing can be a huge rabbit hole , besides like you said there a tons of arcade games , some cabinets maybe lost in time others you will not come across and even more where you can´t find the bezel art etc. than their a that non standard arcade machines like sitdown etc. and besides that all you could go with display units , or that tv console combo things like from sharp ( searching for these in 2,5-4k by the way ^^) …there are no limits but to find and get good scans or pictures of such things can be hard on its own , and i just talking about real things turned into overlays …no limits what you can do on your own so its a “great curse” i would say to get fully invested in these things like @Orionsangel or @Duimon , i am doing these for fun and want to share them , they are doing them for years now and look what they done i can even change the color of my “simulated” gameboy case just with the sahder settings :smiley:


I was actually taken aback somewhat by you reply. Not because it’s wrong but rather because it is 100% correct and understandable. I kinda felt a bit guilty for implying, eh, unsavoury things. Which isn’t even close to what I had in mind. :slight_smile:

Nothing but respect and admiration for the work done and that certain rules need to be respected.

Keep on rocking!

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No worries maybe I over reacted. Sometimes “boardroom” topics spill over into the public forum.

In all honesty, the reason for the graphics being split into so many parts (Even the speakers are a separate layer in the MAME preset.) was for @akuma22’s project.

I would love it if someone wanted to pick up where he left off. I just don’t want to find out about it in a surprise YouTube video I stumble upon.


When I edit these company overlays I only put the logo of the most famous ones, because I separate the roms and I like to leave it that way. But it takes a lot of work to recreate them all. More famous like Midway, Toaplan, Konami, Sega… No need to recreate the real cabinet from your games. Just a universal case to place logos more easily.

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It is already universal.

If you go into my source repo.


In the MAME folder are a group of *.psd.zip. (i.e. MAME_CAB.psd.zip, MAME_CAB_Speakers.psd.zip)

Each of these contains a mask to make changing the background, glass, and speakers virtually painless.


Hey guys, can anyone help me with a noob confusion?

I was using the “Shaders Parameters” window to edit some Duimon Bezel values. Then I used the “Save Shader Preset As” to make saves along the way.

Once I got it looking the way I wanted, I made a final custom shader preset save. But when I deleted the past ones, this final saved preset fails to load.

It’s only when I restore the old ones from Recycle Bin that my preset loads properly. Is that how it’s supposed to work in RetroArch? You need the entire chain of saves?

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Each one of your saves was a simple preset, referencing the previous one.

You should have been saving to the same name along the way.

You can combine them using a text editor, deleting redundant or changed previous values, and use the reference in the oldest.

Things will be easier going forward if you always save to the same name. I do it all the time when I am building my presets.

Go ahead and load them in an editor and you will see what I am talking about. Pay attention to the top line… the #reference line.


Thanks for the help Duimon! Now…if I disable that “simple preset” option…can I save them as “independent” presets (without referencing previous ones)?

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I wouldn’t recommend it. Both the shader and my pack are in a constant state of development. If you disable simple presets they will stop working relatively soon.

Do you have a specific need to save each step as a separate preset?

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Well, I modify a single value and save it - then test it on multiple games to make sure it looks right.

I may end up modifying a dozen values before I get the look right. Which means I end up with a dozen preset files (which looks very messy in my folder).

But I will do as you originally said and use the same preset save.

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