Presets are fixed. Thanks for the very timely heads up.
3DS.slangp preset is still broken
And I did set the core’s screen layout positioning
to Large Screen, Small Screen
You didn’t mention that one in your post. I will fix it right away.
BTW. You want to leave everything default as far as screen layout and gap distance in the core. It will break everything. The shader makes all the changes for you.
3DS is fixed. Thanks again!
(You just gotta love GitHub Desktop. )
I was actually downloading the whole
through the web version.
It’s probably a good idea to do that on your end, but it makes my job a LOT easier.
I tried cloning HSM’s repo and it didn’t work as expected. But I am no expert.
I assume, if someone knows what they are doing, they could clone my repo and just do an update when I do. That way they would just get the changes.
Maybe @HyperspaceMadness knows more about this than I do.
If you have git installed (and in your path but the installer does that, I think) and you don’t mind using a command line, you can just go into any directory and run:
git clone
it will make a HSM-Reflection-Shader-Graphics folder in the folder you are in. So you can do it in your retroarch folder, or somewhere that contains files.
To update, go into the HSM-Reflection-Shader-Graphics folder (note difference) and run
git pull
to check for, download and merge in any updates. (I do this just to check if there’s an update, it’s faster than going to the git website or checking the thread ) You’ll have to move the presets/overlays around yourself, from here, but everything is unzipped, organized and updated. (And you could in theory submit changes or something, but this concludes my knowledge of git
edit: sorry, if this is off topic lmk and I will delete it…
Perfectly on topic sir. Anything that makes it easier for users to update.
I’ve been spending some time tweaking the SONY PVM-20M monitor graphic.
Hue to match the background.
I am using 3D curvature since this monitor used a cylindrical tube.
I also found some good shots of it with the LEDs and Tally light on. I have changed the colors of the Power and Remote LEDs accordingly. I may lower the opacity on the Tally light portion of the LED layer, so it is a little dimmer at night. (It should be diffused by plastic.)
I may also change the layers used so that the LEDs are using the Top Extra layer and the drop shadow is using the Cabinet Glass Layer. Although I intended this for graphics that don’t contain LEDs, my use of the LED layer would prevent users from using other graphics if they wish.
Speaking of the drop shadow, I edited the graphic so you can now increase the scale a few pixels. (Not just decrease.) Combined with Opacity parameters it should give a but more freedom.
Now I just have to decide how to release them, the simple preset is 36 lines long, so there is a lot of tweaking going on.
My original plan was to just implement them with Advanced graphics that had no LEDs. Potentially adding a few more PVM’s has made me rethink this. My new plan is to release a folder of sample PVM presets, along with a guide on changing the Background image, LED image, (If needed.) and HSV values on the Bezel Image layer.
Any thoughts from the community would be welcome.
I was just mulling this over a bit.
The use of these PVM’s in conjunction with one of my background graphics requires 5 image layers. (6 if you include the Night layer.) This prevents them from being used in the Standard presets. (The layers are required so that the HSV of the Bezel Image layer can be changed without effecting the other elements.)
This will not change, but I am thinking some users may want to use them as stand-alone graphics. (They really are just TV’s so would fit in with my other TV graphics.)
I am going to come up with an appropriate background and fuse these together using a couple low saturated chassis colors. I will release them as both Standard and Advanced presets.
It might become my new preset when it’s ready to go, I really like simulated CRTs.
I’m glad you like it. I spent all of 60 seconds creating the background and drop shadow, so I would definitely spend more time on that.
I think I will do three different backgrounds with three slightly different chassis colors for each PVM I do.
These would be static backgrounds with LEDs only. I could always come up with system Decals. I would use the SONY logo as default, and have a folder of appropriately sized console and manufacturer logos that could be swapped in.
Something very strange happens to me with 3DS.
If I load the Standard Alt version I get like this.
tapping on the parameters where dual screen solves quickly.
If I load the Advanced version it is already crazy that I cannot solve even by touching the parameters.
With the horizontal version the same thing happens to me, in standard I fix it by touching parameters, in Advanced I can’t get the screens inverted.
You need to update both the shader and the presets. Both of these issues are related to recent fixes.
The third shot is definitely an issue solved in the latest shader release. I held off releasing the Advanced graphics and presets until after HSM updated the shader.
My God, how fast @HyperspaceMadness updates, I had not seen the last update, the last one I downloaded just a few days so I did not imagine that I would have updated again
now everything is perfect
And I leave another of DS that now is also perfect
As always a great job @Duimon, thanks for everything once again, to you and @HyperspaceMadness.
I’m glad it worked for you. It is also nice to see that you are taking advantage of the Bezel Layer HSV and Decal Layer features.
Changing the color of handhelds was mainly what @HyperspaceMadness had in mind, implementing the Bezel Layer HSV. (Although he is a mad scientist, I’m sure he has other plans.) It sure has been fun to put into practice!
Something is up with the NDS shot though, the Decal layer sure is bright. It should look like this at night.
I think you have the Cabinet Glass Layer set to “Add” blending mode instead of “Normal”. You may have nudged a parameter on your journey through them.
Yes, I have changed it on purpose, I like to put screenshots where you can see all the possibilities that shaders can offer.
Personally, I always opt for the night versions, they enhance the reflective effect more and are more comfortable for my eyes.
By the way, I really like to change and try things, that’s why I am always changing the parameters and looking at what each thing is, I am a curious person
I would like to be able to change the color of the buttons but I think that is already too much to ask
Yeah, HSM would have to add HSV adjustments to the Decal layer. I think he would veto that idea. (As would I personally.) There is always the source if you feel like learning something about Illustrator.