Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

I don’t mind. I like to inspire and if you can improve it. Go ahead. I like that we have more options on the bezels that we wanna use. We all benefit.

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I think I have it worked out. :grin:

Not much of the sloping sides are there, but they are there. I also darkened the red a lot to ease distraction.

It’s a bit busier than the first, but I like it. :blush:


Yeah I like it, looks really nice!

I went in and made some of my infamous OCD changes. :wink: (Maybe a couple more significant.)

I am very happy with it. Thanks @HyperspaceMadness for providing the feedback this thread is 75% about!

There has been a wonderful amount of feedback over the weeks. Thanks to everyone!


LOL I think maybe we did both start from the same wallpaper :wink:

Hi Duimon,

The Master System is looking fantastic :star_struck:, it’s really nice to follow the updates that you post here!

If you don’t mind me asking, could I request a Mega Drive version of your Genesis graphics? Just a logo change would already be perfect!

Last, about the guide that you talked about:

Is it up already? I couldn’t find it, so I’m not sure if I’m looking at the wrong place or if it hasn’t been uploaded yet.

Thanks for everything, mate!

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Yeah, my bad. RL is getting in the way of the guide for a bit. I have a garage project that needs to take priority. (Damn it. :grin:)

I will try to get to it tonight.

I think a logo change on the Genesis would be easy. I will make it an alternate like the SNES Euro, Super Famicom alternate already in the repo.

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Scratch that. Rudimentary guide on my graphics is now tacked on to the existing README in my HSM graphics repo. There is also the same in a PDF. It can be found in a new “guides” folder. :upside_down_face:


Nice, I would really appreciate this! xD

The noob that I am, can’t thank you enough for this! :grin:

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I hope this meets your approval.

If the dots on the logo fail to be centered you can play with the “non-integer scale %” parameter. Usually things aren’t so tight, and it should be right using the default, but… :wink:

(I exaggerated the height of the logo a bit because it was looking cramped.)

The HSM graphics version is in the repo, no RA Overlay version yet. the night TopLayerImage for this Alt requires no change.

Now I better get outside! :innocent:


Man, this is perfect! Exactly what I wanted! :grin:

Now, about the usage of the graphics, TBH I still couldn’t make it work, :sweat_smile:, but a few more attempts and I shall get it, hehe

When I change the path to the graphics, the Shader stops working. Maybe I’m not using an adequate preset as a starting point? :thinking: (I tried using the Night preset with graphics from the Logo folder).

Furthermore, it seems that the latest version of RetroArch is saving the core shader profile inside the config folder:

It’s in RetroArch\config\“core name”\“core name”.slangp

instead of RetroArch\shaders\presets\“core name”\“core name”.slangp

I even went to the RetroArch’s Discord server to ask if this was only on my end, but it seems it has changed for everyone using the latest version, with mainly the purpose of facilitating configs backups


I’ll probably be AFK for the next one or two weeks, things are going to be pretty busy around here, :no_mouth:

But after, when I come back, I’m glad I’ll have plenty of things to try! Have a good one, everybody, and stay safe! :smiley:



Got it working! Problem was the relative path, since my .slangp is in another location, relative path needed to be changed, =)

Edit 2: and the top layer from the Night folder turns on the LED, amazing detail!

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This is probably because the path to texture isn’t correct, so I would double check that.

To see errors you need to set up your logging settings:

  • Logging - Logging Verbosity - ON
  • Frontend Logging - 1(Info)
  • Log to File - Off This will cause a log window to come up when you launch, and you should see the error it stops on
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Spot-on, this was exactly the problem, as I pointed out in my edit 1 of the post, xD:

But really nice to know about the option to show the errors, very useful!

I would really like a Famicom one :smiley:… just saying…

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Looks like fun. I have another request to finish before I start, but I will definitely be doing a Famicom right after. Thanks for the request!

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What are your thoughts on this SEGA MarkIII WIP?

I couldn’t find a way (That I liked.) to place the MarkIII vents so I borrowed from the SG1000-II since it and the MarkIII have so much in common. :grin:


Lovely. It will be on my setup as ASAP.

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Since you approve, I have added it to the repo. Enjoy!

Maximum Gameplay Satisfaction Indeed!


There is that power on led. Will you make the night overlay for it?