"Dynamic" gets misspelt as "Dynarmic" in the new Citra Libretro core

In the new Citra core, “Dynamic” gets misspelt as “Dynarmic” in the core settings and even in the source code! Is this on purpose?

Grepping through the source, it appears that “dynarmic” is the name of their ARM JIT, so it’s a little wordplay.

That’s not what I expected LOL Why can’t it be called “dynamic” instead though? Is it different from “dynamic”?

Well, it’s what the devs decided to call it. It is dynamic/just-in-time, and it’s for ARM, so they called it “dynarmic”. It’s similar to calling the ARM-optimized PSX emulator PCSX-ReARMed.

then they should call it “DynARMic” tbh