Exodus’ CRT TV’s Overlay for Steam Deck

I have received some requests about editing some of my CRT overlays with Steam Deck’s Resolution in mind, so here’s a couple to start:

The resolution is 1280x800 with a 960x720 viewport.

You can download “Flat CRT” (logo, no logo and fake scanlines) from here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/l4kfl8fvt3ld3ps/Steam_Deck_Overlay_1.zip/file


You can download “Samsung CRT” (regular and fake scanlines) from here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d3wiq7f7ofg1uu3/Steam_Deck_Overlay_Samsung.zip/file

You can download “Panasonic CRT” (Rock Wall and Silent Hill background) from here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rfjzq9og7uzydhk/Steam_Deck_Overlay_Panasonic.zip/file


Once the device is out, let me know if this needs some adjustments. .

I hope you like my work, if you want to support me, you can buy a me a cofee :wink:


It’s beautiful, thank you!

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