Exodus' CRT TV's Overlays Collection (With Day and Night support)

OK, so, the settings I use in order to get “4 : 3 - like” display on 2560x1440 monitor, is :

custom_viewport_width = “1792” custom_viewport_height = “1435” custom_viewport_x = “382” custom_viewport_y = “-20”

Which is weird because according to aspect ratio calculators, the proper height for a width of 1792 should be 1344 (but it does not fit the overlay then). I don’t understand why, but my settings work. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’m liking these very much. I have been using the ones you released last week. They are so nice that I don’t really need to bother with set ups for different systems. These work well with most, if not all, with a few tweaks here and there for different specifications.

I’m glad you like them!

The idea came to me some weeks ago when I was playing around with some TV pictures and realized that I could fit a 4:3 TV inside a 16:9 ratio screen by filling the sides with the speakers and it really looked nice, so since then I have been trying to edit and improve some images that I have found in Google in order to recreate the most common TV’s from the 90’s and 00’s and the result has been pretty cool.

For now I think that Classic CRT and Samsung Flat are the best overlays because they can be used with almost any system, but soon I’ll be working on a 80’s TV design for use with Atari and similar cores too :smiley:

I just wish that there were more good quality pictures of TV’s :frowning:


I know me to! There is a image service called “shutterstock” that have ALOT of CRT Tv images that are extremely god quality but they charge for this and the price is ridiculous!

**This image is PERFECT to create an overlay for 80’sgames **

but it cost $20 usd!!! :frowning:

I bet some nice retro TV borders/overlays can be found without paying for it.

Wrong thread sorry…

I found the same image in this news article. Maybe you can use this one?

Fernand78, here is overlay with this image for 16:10 users not perfect but ok.

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I would love to have the original picture to edit it and improve it tough since the internal borders are very uneven and the screen does not looks like it belongs in the “frame”.

I’ll see if I can do something with it anyway, can you please point to the topic or user that shared it?

Here you go exodus:


You are great @Kondorito THANK YOU!!!

I’ll get to work on this in order to prepare a couple of overlays to use with older cores like Atari !

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


exodus, i do it fast trial and error, but if you can improve it post overlay here i appreciate that, sorry for my english.

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Dear friend do not worry, the most important thing is that thanks to you and kondorito we now have the image we were looking for :smiley:

Do you need any special resolution for me to consider when doing the overlay?


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I would love to see a 1080p version :slight_smile:

As someone who grew up with a gray flat-screen CRT in his living room, the Trinitron overlay’s gonna give me quite the nostalgia trip (even though my TV was from Panasonic). Just one question: how do I install it? I’m kinda new to RetroArch (I’ve already downloaded the zip file, but I’m not sure what to do next).

1680x1050 resolution.


You can check OP, but the download link for 1680x1050 is [this one] (http://www.mediafire.com/file/v8y2mdrsiarll3u/OLD_CRT_1680X1050.rar) :slight_smile:

I edited the first post with the designs and among them you will find the Classic 80’s CRT :wink:

All the overlays are created for 1080p since that’s the max. resolution my monitor and Tv have, but I think they can be used for bigger resolutions anyway, enjoy!


Nice Exodus thanks, check pm i have question for you.